Class D3dDeviceDesc
public final class D3dDeviceDesc
// Fields
public int clipping;
public int dcmColorModel;
public int devCaps;
public int deviceRenderBitDepth;
public int deviceZBufferBitDepth;
public int dlcLightingCaps;
public int dlcLightingModel;
public int dlcLightingNumber;
public int dtcTransformCaps;
public int flags;
public int maxBufferSize;
public int maxVertexCount;
Contains a description of the current device. This class is used to query the current device by such methods as getCaps.
See also Direct3dDevice.
- clipping
- TRUE if the device can perform 3D clipping.
- dcmColorModel
- One value of D3DCOLOR_ type, specifying the color model for the device.
- devCaps
- One or more values of D3DDEVCAPS_ type, specifying the capabilities of the device.
- deviceRenderBitDepth
- A value of DDBD_ type (in the range DDBD_8 through DDBD_32), specifying the device's rendering bit-depth.
- deviceZBufferBitDepth
- A value of DDBD_ type (in the range DDBD_8 through DDBD_32), specifying the device's z-buffer bit-depth.
- dlcLightingCaps
- A value of D3DLIGHTCAPS_ type, specifying the lighting capabilities of the device.
- dlcLightingModel
- A value of D3DLIGHTINGMODEL_ type, specifying the lighting capabilities of the device.
- dlcLightingNumber
- Number of lights that can be handled.
- dtcTransformCaps
- A value indicating the transformation capabilities of the device. Can be zero or D3DTRANSFORMCAPS_CLIP to specify the system clips while transforming.
- flags
- One or more values of D3DDD_ type, specifying the fields of this class that contain valid data.
- maxBufferSize
- Maximum size of the execute buffer for this device. If this field is 0, the application can use any size.
- maxVertexCount
- Maximum vertex count for this device.