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Class D3dMatrix

public final class D3dMatrix
  // Fields
  public float _11;
  public float _12;
  public float _13;
  public float _14;
  public float _21;
  public float _22;
  public float _23;
  public float _24;
  public float _31;
  public float _32;
  public float _33;
  public float _34;
  public float _41;
  public float _42;
  public float _43;
  public float _44;

  // Constructors
  public D3dMatrix(float _11, float _12, float _13, float _14,
        float _21, float _22, float _23, float _24, float _31,
        float _32, float _33, float _34, float _41, float _42,
        float _43, float _44);

Describes a matrix for such methods as Direct3dDevice.getMatrix and Direct3dDevice.setMatrix.

In Direct3D, the _44 element of a projection matrix cannot be a negative number. If your application needs to use a negative value in this location, it should scale the entire projection matrix by -1, instead.

See also Direct3dDevice.



public D3dMatrix(float _11, float _12, float _13, float _14, float _21,
        float _22, float _23, float _24, float _31, float _32, float _33,
        float _34, float _41, float _42, float _43, float _44);

Creates a D3dMatrix object with members set to values specified by the user.


Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.
Floating point type used in the matrix.

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