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Class Dispatch

public class Dispatch
  // Fields
  public static final int DISPID_ABOUTBOX;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_APPEARANCE;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_AUTOCLIP;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_BACKCOLOR;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_CHARSET;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_CODEPAGE;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_DISPLAYASDEFAULT;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_DISPLAYNAME;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_FONT;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_FORECOLOR;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_LOCALEID;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_MESSAGEREFLECT;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_PALETTE;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_SCALEUNITS;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_SHOWGRABHANDLES;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_SHOWHATCHING;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_TEXTALIGN;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_TRANSFERPRIORITY;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_UIDEAD;
  public static final int DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE;
  public static final int DISPID_APPEARANCE;
  public static final int DISPID_AUTOSIZE;
  public static final int DISPID_BACKCOLOR;
  public static final int DISPID_BACKSTYLE;
  public static final int DISPID_BORDERCOLOR;
  public static final int DISPID_BORDERSTYLE;
  public static final int DISPID_BORDERVISIBLE;
  public static final int DISPID_BORDERWIDTH;
  public static final int DISPID_CAPTION;
  public static final int DISPID_CLICK;
  public static final int DISPID_COLLECT;
  public static final int DISPID_CONSTRUCTOR;
  public static final int DISPID_DBLCLICK;
  public static final int DISPID_DESTRUCTOR;
  public static final int DISPID_DOCLICK;
  public static final int DISPID_DRAWMODE;
  public static final int DISPID_DRAWSTYLE;
  public static final int DISPID_DRAWWIDTH;
  public static final int DISPID_ENABLED;
  public static final int DISPID_ERROREVENT;
  public static final int DISPID_EVALUATE;
  public static final int DISPID_FILLCOLOR;
  public static final int DISPID_FILLSTYLE;
  public static final int DISPID_FONT;
  public static final int DISPID_FORECOLOR;
  public static final int DISPID_HWND;
  public static final int DISPID_KEYDOWN;
  public static final int DISPID_KEYPRESS;
  public static final int DISPID_KEYUP;
  public static final int DISPID_MOUSEDOWN;
  public static final int DISPID_MOUSEICON;
  public static final int DISPID_MOUSEMOVE;
  public static final int DISPID_MOUSEPOINTER;
  public static final int DISPID_MOUSEUP;
  public static final int DISPID_NEWENUM;
  public static final int DISPID_PICTURE;
  public static final int DISPID_PROPERTYPUT;
  public static final int DISPID_READYSTATE;
  public static final int DISPID_READYSTATECHANGE;
  public static final int DISPID_REFRESH;
  public static final int DISPID_TABSTOP;
  public static final int DISPID_TEXT;
  public static final int DISPID_UNKNOWN;
  public static final int DISPID_VALID;
  public static final int DISPID_VALUE;
  public static final int fdexNameCaseSensitive;
  public static final int Get;
  public static final int LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT;
  public static final int Method;
  public static final int Put;
  public static final int PutRef;

  // Methods
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6, Object o7);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6);
  public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6, Object o7);
  public static Variant callN(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object oArg[]);
  public static Variant callN(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object oArg[]);
  public static Variant callN_casesensitive(Object pDispatch,
        String dispName, Object oArg[]);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6, Object o7);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6);
  public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object o0, Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4,
        Object o5, Object o6, Object o7);
  public static void callSubN(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object oArg[]);
  public static void callSubN(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object oArg[]);
  public static Variant get(Object pDispatch, String dispName);
  public static Variant get(Object pDispatch, int dispid);
  public static Variant get_casesensitive(Object pDispatch,
        String dispName);
  public static int getIDOfName(Object pDispatch, String dispName);
  public static int[] getIDsOfNames(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid,
        int lcid, String dispNames[]);
  public static Variant invoke(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid,
        String dispName, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Object
        oArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static Variant invoke(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static Variant invoke(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        int wFlags, Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void invokeSub(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid,
        String dispName, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Object
        oArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void invokeSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void invokeSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        int wFlags, Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void invokeSubv(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, String
        dispName, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Variant
        vArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void invokeSubv(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void invokeSubv(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, String
        dispName, int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Variant
        vArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[], int wFlagsEx);
  public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);
  public static void put(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object val);
  public static void put(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object val);
  public static void put_casesensitive(Object pDispatch,
        String dispName, Object val);
  public static void putRef(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object val);
  public static void putRef(Object pDispatch, int dispid,
        Object val);

This class enables Java programs to invoke methods and access the properties of any Microsoft® ActiveX® Automation object. (ActiveX Automation objects are ActiveX components that support the IDispatch interface.) Methods in the Dispatch class are static; it is never necessary to instantiate this class.

Although this class includes a large number of methods, three basic methods define its capabilities:

Maps methods or property names to dispids.
Invokes methods or accesses properties.
Invokes subroutines.

If one of these methods does not accomplish a given task, neither will any of the other methods in the Dispatch class. Each of the other methods in the class has the same function as one of the three basic methods; however, each of the other methods supplies (wraps) commonly used default parameters for ease of use.

The following list describes the parameters required by the invokev and invokeSubv methods and specifies default values that aren't mentioned in the wrapper method documentation:

Parameter Description and Default Value
Object pDispatch Either a Java object that wraps an ActiveX Automation object or a Variant object that can be coerced to such an object by the Variant.toDispatch method. There is no default value for this parameter; every wrapper method requires it.
_Guid iid The IID of the interface that is invoked. (The interface must derive from IDispatch.) If the value is missing or null, the value of IID_IDispatch is used.
String dispName The name of the method or property that is invoked. If the value is null, dispID is used to determine the method or property.
int dispID Indicates the method or property that is invoked. This parameter is ignored if dispName is null.
int lcid Indicates the locale identifier. Wrapper methods automatically pass Dispatch.LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT for this value.
int wFlags Indicates the type of access: must be either Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put or Dispatch.PutRef. Most of the wrapper methods provide a fixed access that is indicated by the method name: Get methods default to DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET; Put methods default to DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT; Call methods default to DISPATCH_METHOD.
Variant vArg The parameters of the method or property accessor. No default value.
int uArgErr[] If the Automation object rejects a parameter, this array receives the index of the offending parameter; It must be null or be a one-element integer array.

Most wrapper methods accept objects other than Variant objects. These objects are converted to the appropriate variant type according to the following rules:

Original Type Converted Type
null Converted to VT_EMPTY.
Variant Passed as is.
Integer Converted to VT_I4.
String Converted to VT_BSTR.
Boolean Converted to VT_BOOL.
Double Converted to VT_R8.
Float Converted to VT_R4.
SafeArray Converted to VT_BYREF|VT_ARRAY|*.
other Converted to VT_DISPATCH.



public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName);

Invokes a method (that has no parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0);

Invokes a method (that has one parameter) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1);

Invokes a method (that has two parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2);

Invokes a method (that has three parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);

Invokes a method (that has four parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);

Invokes a method (that has five parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5);

Invokes a method (that has six parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6);

Invokes a method (that has seven parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6,
        Object o7);

Invokes a method (that has eight parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.
o7 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid);

Invokes a method (that has no parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0);

Invokes a method (that has one parameter) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1);

Invokes a method (that has two parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2);

Invokes a method (that has three parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);

Invokes a method (that has four parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid Identifies the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);

Invokes a method (that has five parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5);

Invokes a method (that has six parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6);

Invokes a method (that has seven parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant call(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6,
        Object o7);

Invokes a method (that has eight parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the invoked method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.
o7 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static Variant callN(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object oArg[]);

Invokes a method on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispname The name of the invoked method.
oArg The parameters of the invoked method.


public static Variant callN(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object oArg[]);

Invokes a method on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
oArg The parameters of the invoked method.


public static Variant callN_casesensitive(Object pDispatch,
        String dispName, Object oArg[]);

Invokes a method on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the method.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispname The name of the invoked method. This name is case-sensitive.
oArg The parameters of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName);

Invokes a subroutine (that has no parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0);

Invokes a subroutine (that has one parameter) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1);

Invokes a subroutine (that has two parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2);

Invokes a subroutine (that has three parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);

Invokes a subroutine (that has four parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);

Invokes a subroutine (that has five parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5);

Invokes a subroutine (that has six parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6);

Invokes a subroutine (that has seven parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6,
        Object o7);

Invokes a subroutine (that has eight parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.
o7 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid);

Invokes a subroutine (that has no parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0);

Invokes a subroutine (that has one parameter) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1);

Invokes a subroutine (that has two parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2);

Invokes a subroutine (that has three parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3);

Invokes a subroutine (that has four parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4);

Invokes a subroutine (that has five parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5);

Invokes a subroutine (that has six parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6);

Invokes a subroutine (that has seven parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object o0,
        Object o1, Object o2, Object o3, Object o4, Object o5, Object o6,
        Object o7);

Invokes a subroutine (that has eight parameters) on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
o0 A parameter of the invoked method.
o1 A parameter of the invoked method.
o2 A parameter of the invoked method.
o3 A parameter of the invoked method.
o4 A parameter of the invoked method.
o5 A parameter of the invoked method.
o6 A parameter of the invoked method.
o7 A parameter of the invoked method.


public static void callSubN(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object oArg[]);

Invokes a method on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method.
oArg The parameters of the invoked method.


public static void callSubN(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object oArg[]);

Invokes a method on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the invoked method.
oArg The parameters for the invoked method.


public static Variant get(Object pDispatch, String dispName);

Accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the value of the property.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the property that is accessed.


public static Variant get(Object pDispatch, int dispid);

Accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the value of the property.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the property that is accessed.


public static Variant get_casesensitive(Object pDispatch, String dispName);

Accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

Returns the value of the property.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the property that is accessed.


public static int getIDOfName(Object pDispatch, String dispName);

Maps the name of a dispmember to its dispid. This method is a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames call. A ComFailException is thrown if the name is not recognized by the object.

Return Value:

Returns the dispid that corresponds to the specified name.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name that is resolved.


public static int[] getIDsOfNames(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, int lcid,
        String dispNames[]);

Maps the names of a dispmember and parameter names to their dispids. This method is a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames call. A ComFailException is thrown if a name is not recognized by the object.

Return Value:

Returns an array of resolved dispids.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
iid The interface to query; if null, the interface identifier defaults to IID_IDispatch.
lcid The locale identifier.
dispNames The array of names to resolve.


public static Variant invoke(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, String dispName,
        int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method. The difference between this method and invokev is that this method accepts arbitrary objects rather than Variant objects as arguments to the invoked method.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant object returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
iid The identifier of the interface that is called. If the value is null, defaults to IID_IDispatch.
dispName The name of the method or property that is invoked. If the value is null, dispID is used.
dispID The identifier of the method or property. Unless dispName is null, this parameter is ignored.
lcid The locale ID.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
oArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static Variant invoke(Object pDispatch, String dispName, int wFlags,
        Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method. This method is easier to call than the full invokev method and enables you to pass arbitrary objects rather than Variants. However, the method does not enable you to specify the interface IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by name.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
oArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static Variant invoke(Object pDispatch, int dispid, int wFlags,
        Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method. This method is easier to call than the full invokev method because it allows you to pass arbitrary objects rather than Variant objects. However, this method does not enable you to specify the interface IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by dispid.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant object returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
oArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static void invokeSub(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, String dispName,
        int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a subroutine or sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object. The difference between this method and invoke is that this method accepts arbitrary objects rather than Variant objects as arguments to the invoked method. This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method. Some language implementations do not invoke subroutines as if they were functions. If the invoked method does not return a value, use invokeSub.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
iid The identifier of the interface that is called. If the value is null, the interface identifier defaults to IID_IDispatch.
dispName The name of the method or property that is invoked. If the value is null, dispIDM is used.
dispID The identifier of the method or property. Unless dispName is null, this parameter is ignored.
lcid The locale ID.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
oArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static void invokeSub(Object pDispatch, String dispName, int wFlags,
        Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a subroutine or sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method. Some language implementations do not invoke subroutines as if they were functions. If the method does not return a value, use invokeSub to avoid problems. This method is easier to call than the full invokeSub method and enables you to pass arbitrary objects rather than Variant objects. However, the method does not enable you to specify the interface identifier or the locale, and the method must be identified by name.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
oArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static void invokeSub(Object pDispatch, int dispid, int wFlags,
        Object oArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a subroutine or sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method. Some language implementations do not invoke subroutines as if they were functions. If the method does not return a value, use invokeSub to avoid problems. This method is easier to call than the full invokeSub method and enables you to pass arbitrary objects rather than Variant objects. However, the method does not enable you to specify the interface IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by dispid.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
oArg The arguments to the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static void invokeSubv(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, String dispName,
        int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a subroutine or sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
iid The identifier of the interface that is called. If the value is null, this parameter defaults to IID_IDispatch.
dispName The name of the method or property that is invoked. If the value is null, dispID is used.
dispID The identifier of the method or property. Unless dispName is null, this parameter is ignored.
lcid The locale ID.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method. Some language implementations distinguish between functions and subroutines; subroutines written in such languages cannot be called as if they were functions. If the method does not return a value, use invokeSubv to avoid this problem.


public static void invokeSubv(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a subroutine or sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is easier to call than the full invokeSubv method, but it does not allow you to specify the interface IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by name.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method. Some language implementations distinguish between functions and subroutines; subroutines written in such languages cannot be called as if they were functions. If the method does not return a value, use invokeSubv to avoid this problem.


public static void invokeSubv(Object pDispatch, int dispid, int wFlags,
        Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a subroutine or sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is very similar to invokev, but it does not accept a return value from the method. Some language implementations do not invoke subroutines as if they were functions. If the method does not return a value, use invokeSubv to avoid problems. This method is easier to call than the full invokeSubv method. However, it does not enable you to specify the interface identifier or the locale, and the method must be identified by dispid.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispID The identifier of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, _Guid iid, String dispName,
        int dispID, int lcid, int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
iid The identifier of the interface that is called. If the value is null, it defaults to IID_IDispatch.
dispName The name of the method or property that is invoked. If the value is null, dispID is used.
dispID The identifier that identifies the method or property; ignored unless dispName is null.
lcid The locale ID.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[], int wFlagsEx);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method. This method is easier to call than the full invokev method. It does not, however, enable you to specify the IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by name.

Return Value:

Returns the variant that is returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the invoked method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.
wFlagsEx The extended flags that are passed to IDispatchEx.


public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        int wFlags, Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method. This method is easier to call than the full invokev method. However, it does not enable specifying the interface IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by name.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static Variant invokev(Object pDispatch, int dispid, int wFlags,
        Variant vArg[], int uArgErr[]);

Invokes a method or accesses a property on an ActiveX Automation object. This method is essentially a direct wrapper around the IDispatch::Invoke method. This method is easier to call than the full invokev method. However, it does not enable you to specify the interface IID or the locale, and the method must be identified by dispid.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant object returned by the method or property access.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispID The identifier of the method or property.
wFlags The type of access, which must be Dispatch.Method, Dispatch.Get, Dispatch.Put, or Dispatch.PutRef.
vArg The arguments of the method or property.
uArgErr An optional one-element array. If an error occurs, uArgErr receives the index of the offending parameter.


public static void put(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object val);

Sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the property that is set by this method.
val The value to assign to the property.


public static void put(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object val);

Sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the property that is set by this method.
val The value to assign to the property.


public static void put_casesensitive(Object pDispatch, String dispName,
        Object val);

Sets a property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the property that is set by this method.
val The value to assign to the property.


public static void putRef(Object pDispatch, String dispName, Object val);

Sets an object property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispName The name of the property that is set by this method.
val The value to assign to the property.


public static void putRef(Object pDispatch, int dispid, Object val);

Sets an object property on an ActiveX Automation object.

Return Value:

No return value.

pDispatch The Java proxy of the ActiveX Automation object.
dispid The identifier of the property that is set by this method.
val The value to assign to the property.


A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
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A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
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A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK .
The DISPID that indicates the constructor function.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
The DISPID that indicates the destructor function.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
The DISPID that indicates the evaluate method.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
The DISPID that indicates the _NEWENUM property.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
The DISPID that indicates the parameter that receives the value of an assignment in a PROPERTYPUT.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
The DISPID returned by IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames to indicate that a member or parameter name was not found.
A standard DISPID defined in OLECTL.H in the Microsoft® Platform SDK.
The DISPID that indicates the default member for the object.
The value that corresponds to IDispatchEx flag fdexNameCaseSensitive
The value that corresponds to the ActiveX constant DISPATCH_GET.
The value that corresponds to the ActiveX constant LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; it functions as the default value for locale-id.
The value that corresponds to the ActiveX constant DISPATCH_METHOD.
The value that corresponds to the ActiveX constant DISPATCH_PUT.
The value that corresponds to the ActiveX constant DISPATCH_PUTREF.

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