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Class FontX

public class FontX extends FxFont
  // Fields
  public static final int EMBEDDED;
  public static final int OUTLINE;
  public static final int STRIKEOUT;
  public static final int UNDERLINE;

  // Constructors
  public FontX();
  public FontX(String name, int style, int size);
  public FontX(String name, int style, int size, boolean bEmbed);
  public FontX(String name, int style, int size, int xFlags);

  // Methods
  public static FontX chooseFont(Component c);
  public static FontX chooseFont(Component c, FontX f);
  public boolean equals(Object obj);
  public static String[] getAttributeList();
  public static String[] getAttributeList(String face);
  public int getFlags();
  public static int getFlagsVal(String face, String attribute);
  public static Font getFont(String face, int style, int size,
        int flags);
  public static Font getFont(String face, Vector v, int size);
  public static String[] getFontList();
  public static int getStyleVal(String face, String attribute);
  public boolean isTypeable(int language);
  public static boolean matchFace(String face);
  public String toString();

This class creates a font object that defines the font family, font face, style, and size. The FontX class also supports TrueType fonts.

With JDK 1.1, fonts are mapped with a font properties file, and you can obtain different fonts by editing this file. However, the Microsoft implementation does not support this type of font association. You can obtain desired fonts with FontX objects; they are created with Win32 font names.




public FontX();

Creates a nondescript font (12-point Dialog).


public FontX(String name, int style, int size);

Creates a new font with the specified name, style, and point size. This constructor is used to access system fonts on the Microsoft® Win32® platform not otherwise available in Java (for example, the "symbol" font).

name The name of the font face.
style The font style, which can be a combination of the values shown in the following table.
size The point size of the font.


public FontX(String name, int style, int size, boolean bEmbed);

Creates a new font with the specified name, style, and point size; specifies whether the font is embedded.

name The name of the font face.
style The font style, which can be a combination of the values shown in the following table.
size The point size of the font.
bEmbed Set to true if the font is embedded, false otherwise.


public FontX(String name, int style, int size, int xFlags);

Creates an extended font.

name The name of the font face.
style The font style, which can be a combination of the values shown in the following table.
size The point size of the font.
xFlags An extended style, which can be one of the values shown in the following table.



public static FontX chooseFont(Component c);

Note This method is obsolete. It has been replaced by the UIFontDialog class.

Return Value:

Returns a FontX object or null if the user cancelled the dialog box by selecting the Cancel button.

c A component that owns the dialog box (and subsequently is blocked until the dialog box is closed).


public static FontX chooseFont(Component c, FontX f);

Note This method is obsolete. It has been replaced by the UIFontDialog class.

Return Value:

Returns a FontX object or null if the user cancelled the dialog box by selecting the Cancel button.

c A component that owns the dialog box (and subsequently is blocked until the dialog box is closed).
f The FontX object to use as the default.


public boolean equals(Object obj);

Checks that the argument is not null (is either a Font or a FontX object) and has the same name, same style, and same point size as this FontX object.

Return Value:

Returns true if the objects are equal; otherwise, returns false.

obj The object to be compared with the FontX object.


public static String[] getAttributeList();

Retrieves a list of the attributes that the current font supports.

Return Value:

Returns an array of strings describing the attributes the font supports.


public static String[] getAttributeList(String face);

Retrieves a list of the attributes this font supports, given the font face.

Return Value:

Returns an array of strings describing the attributes the font supports.

face The current font face.


public int getFlags();

Retrieves the extended flags of a FontX object.

Return Value:

Returns a one or a combination of these extended styles: EMBEDDED, STRIKEOUT, UNDERLINE, and OUTLINE.


public static int getFlagsVal(String face, String attribute);

Retrieves a value for the flags associated with the given face.

Return Value:

Returns a value for the face name flags.

face The current font face.
attribute A string that contains the attributes (for example, "Rotatable") of the font.


public static Font getFont(String face, int style, int size, int flags);

Retrieves a font if an exact match is made, given the font face, style, size, and any specified flags.

Return Value:

Returns the Font that is the exact match to the given parameters.

face The font face.
style The font style.
size The font size, in points.
flags One or more of the following font flags:


public static Font getFont(String face, Vector v, int size);

Retrieves a font if an exact match is made, given the font face, vector, and size.

Return Value:

Returns the Font that is the exact match to the given parameters.

face The font face.
v A list of style names.
size The font size, in points.


public static String[] getFontList();

Retrieves a list of the names of the font faces available.

Return Value:

Returns a string array containing the names of available font faces.


public static int getStyleVal(String face, String attribute);

Retrieves a value for the style associated with the given face.

Return Value:

Returns a value for the face name style.

face The current font face.
attribute A string that contains the attributes of the font (for example, "Rotatable").


public boolean isTypeable(int language);

Checks whether the font can be typed in the given language.

Return Value:

Returns true if the font can be typed; otherwise, returns false.

language The identifier of the language to be checked.


public static boolean matchFace(String face);

Compares the current font face to the specified face.

Return Value:

Returns true if the current face is the same as the specified face; otherwise, returns false.

face The name of the font face to compare to the current font face.


public String toString();

Returns a string that specifies the family, font face, style, and size of the given font.

Return Value:

Returns a string having the following format:



Indicates the new font should be linked to a privately embedded font.

Note This is only significant for fonts that are loaded by non-Java objects. Fonts that are loaded by Java objects are automatically embedded.

Indicates that the text drawn by using the new font should be drawn by using the outline of the glyph. This is only supported by certain fonts in the system, and only GraphicsX will support this feature. Trying to draw outline fonts using a Win32Graphics object will result in the glyph being drawn normally.
Indicates that text drawn using the new font should be struckthrough.
Indicates that text drawn using the new font should be underlined.

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