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Interface IEnumSessionsCallback2

public interface IEnumSessionsCallback2 extends IUnknown
  // Methods
  public void callbackEnumSessions(DPSessionDesc sessionDesc, _Guid
        instanceGuid, _Guid applicationGuid, String sessionName,
        String password, int[] timeOut, int flags, IUnknown

Use with DirectPlay2.enumSessions to set the callback function to be called for each active session.

You must use the DirectPlay2.stopEnumSessions to stop a session enumeration, or the enumeration will continue infinitely.




public void callbackEnumSessions(DPSessionDesc sessionDesc,
        _Guid instanceGuid, _Guid applicationGuid, String sessionName,
        String password, int[] timeOut, int flags, IUnknown context);

Enumerates sessions. This is an application-defined callback procedure.

Return Value:

No return value.

sessionDesc A DPSessionDesc object describing the enumerated session. This parameter will be set to null if the enumeration has timed out.
instanceGuid A globally unique identifier (GUID) of the session instance.
applicationGuid The GUID for the application running in the session instance. It uniquely identifies the application so that Microsoft® DirectPlay® connects only to other computers running the same application. This member can be set to GUID_NULL to enumerate sessions for any application.
sessionName The Unicode string containing the name of the session. Use these members only if the IDirectPlay2 interface is in use.
password The Unicode string containing the password of the session. Use this member only if the IDirectPlay2 interface is in use.
timeOut The array variable that contains the current time-out value. This can be reset when the DPESC_TIMEDOUT flag is returned if you want to wait longer for sessions to reply.
flags Typically, this flag is set to zero.
The enumeration has timed out. Reset timeOut and return 1 to continue, or 0 to stop the enumeration.
context The caller-defined context.

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