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Interface IExternalConnectionSink

public interface IExternalConnectionSink
  // Methods
  public void OnAddConnection(int exconn, int reserved,
        int refcount);
  public void OnReleaseConnection(int exconn, int reserved, boolean
        fLastReleaseCloses, int refcount);

This interface provides methods that allow Java objects exposed as Component Object Model (COM) objects to receive notifications about calls made to the IExternalConnection interface that is exposed by the Microsoft® Win32® VM for Java. The methods in this interface are notifications, not overrides. The virtual machine always processes the IExternalConnection methods first to manage the lifetime of the objects.



public void OnAddConnection(int exconn, int reserved, int refcount);

Notifies the object that a connection has been added. Both exconn and reserved correspond to the similarly named parameters of the IExternalConnection::AddConnection method.

Caution The value of refcount is advisory only; it is guaranteed to be zero if and only if the last external lock on the object has been released. However, refcount can be printed out for diagnostic purposes.

Return Value:

No return value.

exconn The type of external connection.
reserved Used by Microsoft® ActiveX® to pass connection information.
refcount The new reference count of the COM proxy.


public void OnReleaseConnection(int exconn, int reserved,
        boolean fLastReleaseCloses, int refcount);

Notifies the object that a connection has been released. Both exconn and reserved correspond to the similarly named parameters of the IExternalConnection::AddConnection method.

Caution The value of refcount is advisory only; it is guaranteed to be zero if and only if the last external lock on the object has been released. However, refcount can be printed out for diagnostic purposes.

Return Value:

No return value.

exconn The type of external connection.
reserved Used by ActiveX to pass connection information.
refcount The new reference count of the COM proxy.
fLastReleaseCloses If set to true and if refcount is zero, the close action for the object is initiated.

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