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Class IntRanges

public class IntRanges implements Cloneable, SetComparison
  // Constructors
  public IntRanges ();
  public IntRanges (String str);
  public IntRanges (String str, String delims);

  // Methods
  public synchronized void addRange (int s, int e);
  public synchronized void addRanges (IntRanges r);
  public synchronized void addSingleton (int n);
  public StringBuffer appendToStringBuffer (StringBuffer sb);
  protected Object clone ();
  public int compare (IntRanges other);
  public int compare (IntRanges other, IIntRangeComparator judge);
  public int compareSet (Object other);
  public static String ComparisonResulttoString (int cmp);
  public synchronized void condense (IIntRangeComparator judge);
  public void condense ();
  public boolean contains (int find);
  public synchronized boolean contains (int s, int e);
  public synchronized IntRanges copy ();
  public int getRangeEnd (int idx);
  public synchronized int[] getRanges ();
  public int getRangeStart (int idx);
  public synchronized int indexOf (int find, int fromRange);
  public int indexOf (int find);
  public IntRanges intersect (IntRanges other,
        IIntRangeComparator judge);
  public IntRanges intersect (IntRanges other);
  public static int invertComparisonResult (int cmp);
  public boolean isEmpty ();
  public synchronized boolean lock (Object key);
  public synchronized void parse (String str, String delims);
  public void parse (String str);
  public boolean removeRange (int rs, int re);
  public void removeRange (int i, IIntRangeComparator hook);
  public void removeRange (int i);
  public synchronized boolean removeRange (int s, int e,
        IIntRangeComparator hook);
  public synchronized void removeRanges (int i, int count,
        IIntRangeComparator hook);
  public void removeRanges (int i, int count);
  public boolean removeSingleton (int n);
  public boolean removeSingleton (int n, IIntRangeComparator hook);
  public synchronized void setRanges (int[] array);
  public int size ();
  public synchronized void sort (IIntRangeComparator judge);
  public void sort ();
  public String toString ();
  public synchronized boolean unlock (Object key);

This class maintains a list of integer ranges. Readers and writers of this list should be externally synchronized.



public IntRanges ();

Constructs an empty set of ranges as an IntArrayOutputStream object.


public IntRanges (String str);

Constructs a set of ranges from the given string.

str A string containing ranges of integers, where the bounds of each range are separated by a dash (-), and separate ranges are delimited by commas. A range of a single integer can be entered by including just the single integer, separated by delimiters. For example: 1-5,9-11,44,13-120.


public IntRanges (String str, String delims);

Constructs a set of ranges from the given string with specified delimiters.

str A string containing ranges of integers, where the bounds of each range are separated by a dash (-). A range of a single integer can be entered by including just the single integer, separated by delimiters.
delims The character or characters that separate the ranges.



public synchronized void addRange (int s, int e);

Adds a range to the IntRange object.

Return Value:

No return value.

s The lower limit of the range.
e The upper limit of the range.


public synchronized void addRanges (IntRanges r);

Adds another set of ranges to this object's set of ranges.

Return Value:

No return value.

r Another IntRanges object to add to this IntRanges object.


public synchronized void addSingleton (int n);

Adds a range of a single integer to the IntRange object.

n The integer range. For example, if n is 43, a range of 43-43 is added.


public StringBuffer appendToStringBuffer (StringBuffer sb);

Appends a string representation of the integer ranges to a given string buffer. Used by toString.

Return Value:

Returns a string buffer containing the concatenated strings.

sb The string buffer to append the set of integer range pairs to.


protected Object clone ();

Creates a copy of the set of ranges.

Return Value:

Returns an identical object to this object.


public int compare (IntRanges other);

Compares this set of ranges to another.

Return Value:

Returns the following:

the sets of integers are not equal but have a common set of integers.
the sets of integers have no integers in common
the second set of integers includes all of the integers in the first set, plus some integers that are not in the first set.
the sets of integers are identical
the first set of integers includes all of the integers in the second set, plus some integers that are not in the second set.

other The set of ranges to compare with.


public int compare (IntRanges other, IIntRangeComparator judge);

Compares this set of ranges to another.

Return Value:

Returns the following:

the sets of integers are not equal, but have a common set of integers.
the sets of integers have no integers in common
the second set of integers includes all of the integers in the first set, plus some integers that are not in the first set.
the sets of integers are identical
the first set of integers includes all of the integers in the second set, plus some integers that are not in the second set.
both sets of integers are empty.
pairs1 is empty and pairs2 is not empty.
pairs2 is empty and pairs1 is not empty.

other The set of ranges to compare with.
judge A helper interface for the comparison.


public int compareSet (Object other);

Compares this set of ranges to another.

Return Value:

Returns SetComparison.DISJOINT if other is not an instance of IntRanges, or else a SetComparison.compareSet result:

The sets of integers are not equal but have a common set of integers.
The sets of integers have no integers in common.
other includes all the integers in this set, plus some integers that are not in this set.
The sets of integers are identical.
This set of integers includes all of the integers in other, plus some integers that are not in other.
Both sets of integers are empty.
This set is empty and other is not empty.
other is empty and this set is not empty.

other The set of ranges to compare with.


public static String ComparisonResulttoString (int cmp);

Converts comparison result flags to a string format.

Return Value:

Returns the result string as follows:

  • "empty" (EMPTY)
  • "equal" (EQUAL)
  • "notequal" (DISJOINT)
  • "overlap" (OVERLAP)
  • "inclusive subset" (SUBSET)
  • "inclusive superset" (SUPERSET)
  • "empty subset" (EMPTY_SUBSET)
  • "empty superset" (EMPTY_SUPERSET)

cmp A comparison result from the compare method.


public synchronized void condense (IIntRangeComparator judge);

Merges overlapping ranges. This method assumes the ranges have already been sorted.

Return Value:

No return value.

judge The interface to help compare equal integer ranges while sorting. This parameter value can be null.


public void condense ();

Merges overlapping ranges. This method assumes the ranges have already been sorted.

Return Value:

No return value.


public boolean contains (int find);

Searches from the beginning of a range for a given number.

Return Value:

Returns true if the number was found; otherwise, returns false.

find The number to search for.


public synchronized boolean contains (int s, int e);

Searches from the beginning of a range for a given range of numbers.

Return Value:

Returns true if the entire search range was found; otherwise, returns false.

s The lower limit of the range.
e The upper limit of the range.


public synchronized IntRanges copy ();

Creates a copy of the set of ranges.

Return Value:

Returns an identical object to this object.


public int getRangeEnd (int idx);

Retrieves the end of a range at a specified index.

Return Value:

Returns the last integer of the range pair.

idx The index of the range pair.


public synchronized int[] getRanges ();

Retrieves the integer range pairs as an integer array.

Return Value:

Returns the integer ranges.


public int getRangeStart (int idx);

Retrieves the start of a range at a specified index.

Return Value:

Returns the first integer of the range pair.

idx The index of the range pair.


public synchronized int indexOf (int find, int fromRange);

Searches from a starting index for a range pair containing a given a number.

Return Value:

Returns the index of the range pair that includes the number if found; otherwise, returns -1.

find The number to search for.
fromRange The index of the range pair to start the search from.


public int indexOf (int find);

Searches from the beginning for a range pair containing a given number.

Return Value:

Returns the index of the range pair that includes the number (if found); otherwise, returns -1.

find The number to search for.


public IntRanges intersect (IntRanges other, IIntRangeComparator judge);

Constructs a new IntRanges object with the set of integers that are common to both this object and another object.

Return Value:

Returns an IntRanges object for the intersection of this object and other.

other The other IntRanges object to find an intersection with.
judge The hook interface to notify using IIntRangeComparator.intersectRanges of intersecting ranges that will be added to the new IntRanges object.


public IntRanges intersect (IntRanges other);

Constructs a new IntRanges object with the set of integers that are common to both this object and another object.

Return Value:

Returns an IntRanges object for the intersection of this object and other.

other The other IntRanges object to find an intersection with.


public static int invertComparisonResult (int cmp);

Inverts comparison results.

Return Value:

Returns the inverted comparison result.

cmp Any comparison result of the compare method, which is inverted as follows:


public boolean isEmpty ();

Determines if the IntRanges object is empty.

Return Value:

Returns true if the object contains no ranges; otherwise, returns false.


public synchronized boolean lock (Object key);

Assigns a key and locks the IntRanges object.

Return Value:

Returns true if successful; returns false if the object is already locked.

key The key object to be used for unlocking the object.


NullPointerException if the key is null.


public synchronized void parse (String str, String delims);

Parses the ranges in the string, separated with specified delimiters. This method tokenizes using StringTokenizer.

Return Value:

No return value.

str The string to be parsed.
delims The delimiters.


public void parse (String str);

Parses comma-delimited ranges in the string.

Return Value:

No return value.

str A string containing ranges of integers, where the bounds of each range are separated by a dash (-). A range of a single integer can be entered by including just the single integer, separated by delimiters.


public boolean removeRange (int rs, int re);

Removes a range of integers from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

Returns true if any integers in the range were removed; returns false if the set contains no integers in the range.

rs The lower limit of the range.
re The upper limit of the range.


public void removeRange (int i, IIntRangeComparator hook);

Removes a single range specified by index from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

No return value.

i The index of the range to remove.
hook The interface to notify through IIntRangeComparator.shiftRanges that the ranges were deleted.


public void removeRange (int i);

Removes a single range specified by index from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

No return value.

i The index of the range to remove.


public synchronized boolean removeRange (int s, int e,
        IIntRangeComparator hook);

Removes a range of integers from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

Returns true if any integers in the range were removed; returns false if the set contains no integers in the range.

rs The lower limit of the range.
re The upper limit of the range.
hook The interface to notify through IIntRangeComparator.shiftRanges that the ranges were deleted or IIntRangeComparator.splitRange that a range was split.


public synchronized void removeRanges (int i, int count,
        IIntRangeComparator hook);

Removes ranges specified by index from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

No return value.

i The index of the range to remove.
count The number ranges to remove.
hook The interface to notify through IIntRangeComparator.shiftRanges that the ranges were deleted.


public void removeRanges (int i, int count);

Removes ranges specified by index from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

No return value.

i the index of the range to remove.
count the number ranges to remove.


public boolean removeSingleton (int n);

Removes a single integer from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

Returns true if the integer was removed returns false if the integer was not found in the set.

n The integer to remove.


public boolean removeSingleton (int n, IIntRangeComparator hook);

Removes a single integer from the IntRange object.

Return Value:

Returns true if the integer was removed. This method returns false if the integer was not found in the set.

n The integer to remove.
hook The interface to notify through IIntRangeComparator.shiftRanges that ranges were deleted or IIntRangeComparator.splitRange that a range was split.


public synchronized void setRanges (int[] array);

Sets the integer ranges from an existing integer array.

Return Value:

No return value.

array The array of integer ranges. Each range is specified by two adjacent integers in this array.


public int size ();

Retrieves the size of the IntRanges object.

Return Value:

Returns the number of elements in the object.


public synchronized void sort (IIntRangeComparator judge);

Sorts the ranges by the first element in each range pair.

Return Value:

No return value.

judge The interface to help compare equal ranges while sorting. This parameter value can be null.


public void sort ();

Sorts the ranges by left endpoints.

Return Value:

No return value.


public String toString ();

Retrieves a string representation of the IntRanges object.

Return Value:

Returns a string containing "{" followed by the set of integer range pairs, followed by "}".


public synchronized boolean unlock (Object key);

Unlocks the IntRanges using a previously-assigned key.

Return Value:

Returns true if the object is successfully unlocked; otherwise, returns false.

key The key object previously assigned to lock the object.


NullPointerException if the key is null.

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