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Interface ProvideSetComparisonInfo

public interface ProvideSetComparisonInfo
  // Fields
  static final int EXCLUDE;
  static final int INCLUDE;

  // Methods
  Object combineSetRules (Object o1, Object o2);
  int compareSetRules (Object o1, Object o2);
  Object getSetRule (int rule);
  String getStringForSetRule (Object o);
  Object intersectSetRules (Object o1, Object o2);
  boolean isEmptySetRule (Object o);

This interface provides set rules for comparisons. A set rule is an opaque value that defines a group of members from one or more sets. The rules can be manipulated using the operators on this interface. Rules are manipulated as Objects. Clients of this interface should not attempt to interpret the value of any objects returned from the methods.



Object combineSetRules (Object o1, Object o2);

Computes the union of two objects retrieved from getSetRule or objects derived through other methods on this interface.

Return Value:

Returns a new set rule representing the union of the two rules, o1 and o2.

o1 The first set rule.
o2 The second set rule.


int compareSetRules (Object o1, Object o2);

Compares two objects retrieved from getSetRule or objects derived through other methods on this interface.

Return Value:

Returns a SetComparison.compareSet return code.

o1 The first set rule to compare.
o2 The second set rule to compare.


Object getSetRule (int rule);

Obtains an object representing the specified rule that can be used internally by SetComparer.

Return Value:

Returns the object specifying the rule. The object is treated as an opaque value and is provided to the other operators on this interface to obtain further information.

rule The rule, which can be either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE.


String getStringForSetRule (Object o);

Retrieves a string representation of a given rule.

Return Value:

Returns the String representing the rule.

o The given rule.


Object intersectSetRules (Object o1, Object o2);

Computes the intersection of two objects retrieved from getSetRule or objects derived through other methods on this interface.

Return Value:

Returns a new set rule representing the intersection of the two rules, o1 and o2.

o1 The first set rule.
o2 The second set rule.


boolean isEmptySetRule (Object o);

Determines if the given set rule is empty.

Return Value:

Returns true if the object is empty; otherwise, returns false.

o The given set rule.


Indicates the set rule specifying members that are excluded from the set.
Indicates the set rule specifying members that are included in the set.

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