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Class Timer

public class Timer
  // Constructors
  public Timer(long p);
  public Timer(long p, int id);
  public Timer(long p, boolean r);
  public Timer(long p, int id, boolean r);
  public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p);
  public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p, int id);
  public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p, boolean r);
  public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p, int id,
        boolean r);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p, int id);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p, boolean r);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p, int id, boolean r);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener,
        long p);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener,
        long p, int id);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener,
        long p, boolean r);
  public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener,
        long p, int id, boolean r);

  // Methods
  public void addTimerListener(TimerListener listener);
  public long getPeriod();
  public boolean getRepeat();
  public int getUserID();
  public boolean isRunning();
  public void removeTimerListener(TimerListener listener);
  public void start();
  public void stop();

This class implements a timer event source.



public Timer(long p);

Constructs a one-shot timer with the specified period (in milliseconds).

p The initial period of the timer.


public Timer(long p, int id);

Constructs a one-shot timer with a specific period (in milliseconds) and that includes a user-defined identifier.

p The initial period of the timer.
id The user-defined identifier of the timer.


public Timer(long p, boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period (in milliseconds).

p The initial period of the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer or false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(long p, int id, boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period (in milliseconds).

p The initial period of the timer.
id The user-defined identifier for the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer; set to false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p);

Constructs a one-shot timer with the specified period (in milliseconds) and that includes a default listener.

defaultListener The initial listener to add to the timer.
p The initial period of the timer.


public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p, int id);

Constructs a one-shot timer with the specified period (in milliseconds) and listener.

defaultListener The initial listener to add to the timer.
p The initial period of the timer.
id The user-defined identifier of the timer.


public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p, boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period (in milliseconds) and that includes a default listener.

defaultListener The initial listener to add to the timer.
p The initial period of the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer; set to false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(TimerListener defaultListener, long p, int id, boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period (in milliseconds) and a default listener.

defaultListener An initial listener to add to the timer.
id A user-defined identifier for the listener.
p The initial period of the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer; set to false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p);

Constructs a one-shot timer with the specified period.

tm The TaskManager that is to service this Timer.
p The initial period of the timer (in milliseconds).


public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p, int id);

Constructs a one-shot timer with a specific period and that includes a user-defined identifier.

tm The TaskManager that is to service this Timer.
p The initial period of the timer (in milliseconds).
id The user-defined identifier of the timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p, boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period.

tm The task manager that is to service this timer.
p The initial period of the timer (in milliseconds).
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer or false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, long p, int id, boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period.

tm The task manager that is to service this timer.
p The initial period of the timer (in milliseconds).
id The user-defined identifier for the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer; set to false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener, long p);

Constructs a one-shot timer with the specified period and that includes a default listener.

tm The task manager that is to service this timer.
defaultListener The initial listener to add to the timer.
p The initial period of the timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener, long p, int id);

Constructs a one-shot timer with the specified period and listener.

tm The task manager that is to service this timer.
defaultListener The initial listener to add to the timer.
p The initial period of the timer.
id The user-defined identifier of the timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener, long p, boolean

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period and that includes a default listener.

tm The task manager that is to service this timer.
defaultListener The initial listener to add to the timer.
p The initial period of the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer; set to false if it is a one-shot timer.


public Timer(TaskManager tm, TimerListener defaultListener, long p, int id,
        boolean r);

Constructs a one-shot or repeating timer with the specified period and a default listener.

tm The task manager that is to service this timer.
defaultListener An initial listener to add to the timer.
id A user-defined identifier for the listener.
p The initial period of the timer.
r Set to true if the timer is a repeating timer; set to false if it is a one-shot timer.



public void addTimerListener(TimerListener listener);

Adds a listener to the timer.

Return Value:

No return value.

listener The listener that is added to the timer.


public long getPeriod();

Retrieves the timer period.

Return Value:

Returns the number of milliseconds that must elapse before the timer fires.


public boolean getRepeat();

Retrieves the timer repeat flag.

Return Value:

Returns true if the timer is a repeating timer; otherwise, returns false.


public int getUserID();

Retrieves the timer's user-defined identifier.

Return Value:

Returns the integer identifier of the timer.


public boolean isRunning();

Queries the Timer to see if it is running.

Return Value:

Returns true if the timer is running; otherwise, returns false.


public void removeTimerListener(TimerListener listener);

Removes a listener from the timer.

Return Value:

No return value.

listener The listener that is removed.


This method prevents future listener timer events from being generated. However, timer events that have already been generated can be delivered to listeners.


public void start();

Starts the timer. If the timer is already running, calls to this method are ignored.

Return Value:

No return value.


public void stop();

Stops the timer. If the timer is not running, calls to this method are ignored.

Return Value:

No return value.


This method prevents future listener timer events from being generated. However, timer events that have already been generated can be delivered to listeners.

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