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The Microsoft® DirectX™ package provides the classes and interfaces needed by Java programs and applets to access the services and features of the DirectX Component Object Model (COM) interface for Microsoft® Windows®. This article presents the DirectX classes, and identifies and provides detailed information about the methods and fields of these classes.

Note This article does not explain how to use the DirectX classes. For overview information about how to use DirectX, see the DirectX Software Development Kit (SDK). In some cases, you may need to refer to the Microsoft® Platform SDK for full details about selected structures.

Important Unlike their counterparts in COM, DirectX methods in Java do not return HRESULT error values. At best, a method will indicate whether a call to it succeeded or failed; the exact cause of an error is not available. Although you can catch the ComException exception to determine whether a DirectX method failed, the getHResult method of this exception does not specify the exact cause of the error.


Class _Guid
Specifies a globally unique identifier in the initialize method.
Class D3dDeviceDesc
Contains a description of the current device.
Class D3dExecuteBufferDesc
Describes the execute buffer for such methods as createExecuteBuffer and lock.
Class D3dExecuteData
Specifies data for the execute method.
Class D3dFindDeviceResult
Contains a description of the current device.
Class D3dFindDeviceSearch
Contains a description of a device to search for.
Class D3dLightDesc
Defines the light type in calls to methods such as setLight and getLight.
Class D3dLVertex
Defines an untransformed and lit vertex (screen coordinates with color).
Class D3dMaterialDesc
Specifies material properties in calls to the getMaterial and setMaterial methods.
Class D3dMatrix
Describes a matrix for such methods as Direct3dDevice.getMatrix and Direct3dDevice.setMatrix.
Class D3dPickRecord
Returns information about picked primitives in an execute buffer for the getPickRecords method.
Class D3dRect
Rectangle definition.
Class D3dRMBox
Defines the bounding box retrieved by the Direct3dRMMesh.getBox and Direct3dRMMeshBuilder.getBox methods.
Class D3dRMImage
Describes an image that is attached to a texture by the Direct3dRM.createTexture method.
Class D3dRMPickDesc
Contains the pick position and face and group identifiers of the objects retrieved by the getPick method.
Class D3dRMQuaternion
Describes the rotation used by the addRotateKey method.
Class D3dRMVector4d
Describes the screen coordinates used as the destination of a transformation by the transform method and as the source of a transformation by the inverseTransform method.
Class D3dRMVertex
Defines an untransformed and unlit vertex (model coordinates with normal direction vector).
Class D3dStats
Contains statistics used by the getStats method.
Class D3dTLVertex
Defines a transformed and lit vertex (screen coordinates with color).
Class D3dTriangle
A class that describes a base type for all triangles.
Class D3dVector
Defines a vector for many Direct3D and Direct3DRM methods and classes.
Class D3dVertex
Defines an untransformed and unlit vertex (screen coordinates with color).
Class D3dViewportDesc
Defines the visible 3D volume and the 2D screen area that a 3D volume projects onto for the getViewport and setViewport methods.
Class DDBltFx
Passes blit operations to the bltFx method.
Class DDCaps
Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object.
Class DDCapsFx
Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the DirectDraw object.
Class DDColorKey
Describes a source color key, destination color key or color space.
Class DDPixelFormat
Describes the pixel format of a DirectDrawSurface object for the getPixelFormat method.
Class DDSurfaceDesc
Contains a description of the surface to be created.
Class Direct3d
Applications use the methods of the Direct3d class to create Direct3D objects and set up the environment.
Class Direct3dDevice
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dDevice class to retrieve and set the capabilities of Microsoft® Direct3D® devices.
Class Direct3dExecuteBuffer
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dExecuteBuffer class to set up and control a Microsoft® Direct3D® execute buffer.
Class Direct3dLight
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dLight class to retrieve and set the capabilities of lights.
Class Direct3dMaterial
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dMaterial class to retrieve and set the properties of materials.
Class Direct3dRM
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRM class to create Direct3dRM objects and work with system-level variables.
Class Direct3dRMAnimation
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMAnimation class to animate the position, orientation, and scaling of visuals, lights, and viewports.
Class Direct3dRMAnimationSet
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMAnimationSet class to group Direct3dRMAnimation objects together, which can simplify the playback of complex animation sequences.
Class Direct3dRMArray
The Direct3dRMArray class organizes groups of objects.
Class Direct3dRMDevice
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMDevice class to interact with the output device.
Class Direct3dRMDeviceArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMDeviceArray class to organize device objects.
Class Direct3dRMFace
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMFace class to interact with a single polygon in a mesh.
Class Direct3dRMFaceArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMFaceArray class to organize faces in a mesh.
Class Direct3dRMFrame
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMFrame class to interact with frames—an object's frame of reference.
Class Direct3dRMFrameArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMFrameArray class to organize frame objects.
Class Direct3dRMLight
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMLight class to interact with light objects.
Class Direct3dRMLightArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMLightArray class to organize light objects.
Class Direct3dRMMaterial
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMMaterial class to interact with material objects.
Class Direct3dRMMesh
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMMesh class to interact with groups of meshes.
Class Direct3dRMMeshBuilder
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMMeshBuilder class to interact with mesh objects.
Class Direct3dRMObject
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMObject class to work with the object superclass of Direct3dRM objects.
Class Direct3dRMPickArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMPickArray class to organize pick objects.
Class Direct3dRMTexture
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMTexture class to work with textures, which are rectangular arrays of pixels.
Class Direct3dRMUserVisual
Applications use the Direct3dRMUserVisual class to manage user visual objects.
Class Direct3dRMViewport
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMViewport class to work with viewport objects.
Class Direct3dRMViewportArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMViewportArray class to organize viewport objects.
Class Direct3dRMVisual
Applications use the Direct3dRMVisual class when creating shadows or adding visuals to a frame.
Class Direct3dRMVisualArray
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMVisualArray class to organize groups of visual objects.
Class Direct3dRMWinDevice
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMWinDevice class to respond to window messages in a window procedure.
Class Direct3dRMWrap
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dRMWrap class to work with wrap objects.
Class Direct3dTexture
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dTexture class to retrieve and set texture properties.
Class Direct3dViewport
Applications use the methods of the Direct3dViewport class to retrieve and set the properties of viewports.
Class DirectDraw
Applications use the methods of the DirectDraw class to create Microsoft® DirectDraw® objects and work with system-level variables.
Class DirectDrawBitmap
Applications use the DirectDrawBitmap class to create and manage bitmaps.
Class DirectDrawClipper
Applications use the methods of the DirectDrawClipper class to manage clip lists.
Class DirectDrawPalette
Applications use the methods of the DirectDrawPalette class to create Microsoft® DirectDraw® palette objects and work with system-level variables.
Class DirectDrawSurface
Applications use the methods of the DirectDrawSurface class to create Microsoft® DirectDraw® surface objects and work with system-level variables.
Class DirectInput
Class DirectPlay2
Applications use the methods of the DirectPlay2 class to create Microsoft® DirectPlay®2 objects and work with system-level variables.
Class DirectPlayLobby
Class DirectSound
Applications use the methods of the DirectSound class to create DirectSound objects and set up the environment.
Class DirectSound3dBuffer
Class DirectSound3dListener
Class DirectSoundBuffer
Applications use the methods of the DirectSoundBuffer class to create DirectSoundBuffer objects and set up the environment.
Class DirectSoundResource
Applications use the DirectSoundResource class to load wave format objects.
Class DPCaps
Contains the capabilities of a DirectPlay object after a call to the getCaps or getPlayerCaps methods.
Class DPSessionDesc
Contains a description of the capabilities of an DirectPlay session.
Class DS3dBuffer
Class DS3dListener
Class DSBCaps
Specifies the capabilities of a DirectSound buffer object, for use by the getCaps method.
Class DSBufferDesc
Describes the necessary characteristics of a new DirectSoundBuffer object.
Class DSCaps
Specifies the capabilities of a DirectSound device for use by the getCaps method.
Class DSCursors
Contains the play and write positions in a DirectSoundBuffer object.
Class DSResourceDesc
Contains information about a loaded resource.
Class JoyCaps
Class JoyInfo
Class PaletteEntry
Specifies a color palette entry when creating palettes using the createPalette method.
Class Rect
Specifies the corners of a rectangle.
Class WaveFormatEx
Specifies the format of data in a sound buffer.


Interface DirectXConstants
The DirectXConstants interface defines all the constants used in DirectX for Java.
Interface Id3dEnumDevicesCallback
Use with enumDevices method to set the callback function to be called for each device.
Interface Id3drmCallback
Use with Direct3dRMObject.addDestroyCallback and Direct3dRMObject.deleteDestroyCallback to set or remove the callback function to be called when an object is destroyed.
Interface IDeviceUpdateCallback
Use with addUpdateCallback and deleteUpdateCallback to set or remove the callback function that is called whenever a device is updated.
Interface IDirect3d
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3d.
Interface IDirect3dDevice
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dDevice
Interface IDirect3dExecuteBuffer
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dExecuteBuffer.
Interface IDirect3dLight
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dLight
Interface IDirect3dMaterial
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dMaterial.
Interface IDirect3dRM
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRM.
Interface IDirect3dRMAnimation
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMAnimation.
Interface IDirect3dRMAnimationSet
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMAnimationSet.
Interface IDirect3dRMArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMDevice
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMDevice.
Interface IDirect3dRMDeviceArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMDeviceArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMFace
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMFace.
Interface IDirect3dRMFaceArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMFaceArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMFrame
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMFrame
Interface IDirect3dRMFrameArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMFrameArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMLight
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMLight.
Interface IDirect3dRMLightArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMLightArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMMaterial
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMMaterial.
Interface IDirect3dRMMesh
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMMesh.
Interface IDirect3dRMMeshBuilder
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMMeshBuilder.
Interface IDirect3dRMObject
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMObject.
Interface IDirect3dRMPickArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMPickArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMTexture
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMTexture.
Interface IDirect3dRMUserVisual
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMUserVisual
Interface IDirect3dRMViewport
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMViewport.
Interface IDirect3dRMViewportArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMViewportArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMVisual
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMVisual.
Interface IDirect3dRMVisualArray
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMVisualArray.
Interface IDirect3dRMWinDevice
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMWinDevice.
Interface IDirect3dRMWrap
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dRMWrap.
Interface IDirect3dTexture
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dTexture.
Interface IDirect3dViewport
For a description of methods and parameters, see Direct3dViewport.
Interface IDirectDraw
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectDraw.
Interface IDirectDrawBitmap
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectDrawBitmap.
Interface IDirectDrawClipper
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectDrawClipper.
Interface IDirectDrawPalette
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectDrawPalette.
Interface IDirectDrawSurface
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectDrawSurface.
Interface IDirectInput
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectInput.
Interface IDirectPlay2
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectPlay2.
Interface IDirectPlayLobby
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectPlayLobby.
Interface IDirectSound
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectSound.
Interface IDirectSound3dBuffer
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectSound3dBuffer.
Interface IDirectSound3dListener
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectSound3dListener.
Interface IDirectSoundBuffer
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectSoundBuffer.
Interface IDirectSoundResource
For a description of methods and parameters, see DirectSoundResource.
Interface IEnumAddressCallback
Interface IEnumAddressTypesCallback
Interface IEnumerateObjectsCallback
Use with Direct3dRM.enumerateObjects to set the callback function to be called for each active Direct3dRM object.
Interface IEnumLocalApplicationsCallback
Interface IEnumModesCallback
Use with enumDisplayModes to set the callback function to be called for each display mode exposed by the hardware.
Interface IEnumPlayersCallback2
Use with the DirectPlay2.enumGroupPlayers, DirectPlay2.enumGroups, and DirectPlay2.enumPlayers methods to set the callback function to be called for each group or player.
Interface IEnumServiceProvidersCallback
Use with the DirectPlay2.enumServiceProviders method to enumerate service providers installed on the system.
Interface IEnumSessionsCallback2
Use with DirectPlay2.enumSessions to set the callback function to be called for each active session.
Interface IEnumSoundDriversCallback
Interface IEnumSurfacesCallback
Use with DirectDraw.enumSurfaces and DirectDrawSurface.enumAttachedSurfaces to set the callback function to be called for each specified surface.
Interface IEnumTextureFormatsCallback
Use with Direct3dDevice.enumTextureFormats to set the callback function to be called for each texture format for a device.
Interface IEnumZOrdersCallback
Use with DirectDrawSurface.enumOverlayZOrders to set the callback function to be called for each overlay on the given surface.
Interface IFrameMoveCallback
Use with Direct3dRMFrame.addMoveCallback and Direct3dRMFrame.deleteMoveCallback to set or remove the callback function to be called when a frame is moved.
Interface ILoadCallback
Use with Direct3dRM.loadFromFileByPos to set the callback function to be called when an object is loaded.
Interface ILoadTextureCallback
Use with methods, such as Direct3dRM.loadFromFileByPos to set the callback function to be called when loading a texture.
Interface IUserVisualCallback
Use with Direct3dRM.createUserVisual and Direct3dRMUserVisual.init to set the callback function to be called to render an application-defined visual.


  +--Direct3dRMArray (IDirect3dRMArray)
  +--Direct3dDevice (IDirect3dDevice)
  +--Direct3dExecuteBuffer (IDirect3dExecuteBuffer)
  +--Direct3dLight (IDirect3dLight)
  +--Direct3dMaterial (IDirect3dMaterial)
  +--Direct3dRM (IDirect3dRM)
  +--Direct3dRMAnimation (IDirect3dRMAnimation)
  +--Direct3dRMAnimationSet (IDirect3dRMAnimationSet)
  +--Direct3d (IDirect3d)
  +--Direct3dRMDevice (IDirect3dRMDevice)
  +--Direct3dRMDeviceArray (IDirect3dRMDeviceArray)
  +--Direct3dRMFace (IDirect3dRMFace)
  +--Direct3dRMFaceArray (IDirect3dRMFaceArray)
  +--Direct3dRMFrame (IDirect3dRMFrame)
  +--Direct3dRMFrameArray (IDirect3dRMFrameArray)
  +--Direct3dRMLight (IDirect3dRMLight)
  +--Direct3dRMLightArray (IDirect3dRMLightArray)
  +--Direct3dRMMaterial (IDirect3dRMMaterial)
  +--Direct3dRMMesh (IDirect3dRMMesh)
  +--Direct3dRMMeshBuilder (IDirect3dRMMeshBuilder)
  +--Direct3dRMObject (IDirect3dRMObject)
  +--Direct3dRMPickArray (IDirect3dRMPickArray)
  +--Direct3dRMTexture (IDirect3dRMTexture)
  +--Direct3dRMUserVisual (IDirect3dRMUserVisual)
  +--Direct3dRMViewport (IDirect3dRMViewport)
  +--Direct3dRMViewportArray (IDirect3dRMViewportArray)
  +--Direct3dRMVisual (IDirect3dRMVisual)
  +--Direct3dRMVisualArray (IDirect3dRMVisualArray)
  +--Direct3dRMWinDevice (IDirect3dRMWinDevice)
  +--Direct3dRMWrap (IDirect3dRMWrap)
  +--Direct3dTexture (IDirect3dTexture)
  +--Direct3dViewport (IDirect3dViewport)
  +--DirectDraw (IDirectDraw)
  +--DirectDrawBitmap (IDirectDrawBitmap)
  +--DirectDrawClipper (IDirectDrawClipper)
  +--DirectDrawPalette (IDirectDrawPalette)
  +--DirectDrawSurface (IDirectDrawSurface)
  +--DirectInput (IDirectInput)
  +--DirectPlay2 (IDirectPlay2)
  +--DirectPlayLobby (IDirectPlayLobby)
  +--DirectSound (IDirectSound)
  +--DirectSound3dBuffer (IDirectSound3dBuffer)
  +--DirectSound3dListener (IDirectSound3dListener)
  +--DirectSoundBuffer (IDirectSoundBuffer)
  +--DirectSoundResource (IDirectSoundResource)


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