About com.ms.util
This package includes a variety of classes and interfaces for utilities such as version management, sorting, wildcard expression parsing, maintaining integer ranges, event logging, and timer services.
- Class ArraySort
- This class sorts an Object array using a Comparison object.
- Class EventLog
- This class implements an event log.
- Class FileVersionInformation
- This class creates file version information for a given file.
- Class HTMLTokenizer
- This class parses an HTML version 3.2 document.
- Class IncludeExcludeIntRanges
- This class maintains a set of integers specified by a pair of IntRanges objects.
- Class IncludeExcludeWildcards
- This class maintains a set of strings specified by a pair of WildcardExpression objects.
- Class IntRanges
- This class maintains a list of integer ranges.
- Class MultiComparison
- This class provides a comparison based on an array of other comparisons.
- Class Queue
- This class provides a queue, implemented in an array.
- Class SetComparer
- This class compares sets that cannot be subtracted or otherwise have no "inverse" operator.
- Class Sort
- This class implements an abstract sorting engine.
- Class StringComparison
- This class provides a simple comparison, similar to that done by String.compareTo.
- Class SystemVersionManager
- This class provides methods that set and retrieve system version properties.
- Class Task
- This class schedules and manages the execution of runnable objects in the global task manager.
- Class TaskManager
- This class schedules or manages the execution of runnable objects.
- Class ThreadLocalStorage
- This class allows applications to store a per-thread reference to a Java object.
- Class Timer
- This class implements a timer event source.
- Class TimerEvent
- This class identifies the expiration of a Timer.
- Class UnsignedIntRanges
- This class shifts unsigned numbers to the range of signed numbers.
- Class VectorSort
- This class sorts the specified Vector object using the specified Comparison.
- Class WildcardExpression
- This class matches simple wildcard expressions, such as *.txt or report?.doc commonly recognized by users on most platforms.
- Interface Comparison
- This interface is designed for implementing comparisons of two objects (usually used in conjunction with a VectorSort or ArraySort object).
- Interface IIntRangeComparator
- This interface supplies a hook for sorting auxiliary data associated with elements of an IntRanges object.
- Interface IWildcardExpressionComparator
- This interface is used to compare subexpressions in WildcardExpression.compare.
- Interface ProvideSetComparisonInfo
- This interface provides set rules for comparisons.
- Interface SetComparison
- This interface compares two sets.
- Interface TimerListener
- This interface enables timer event notifications to be received.
| |
| +--ArraySort
| |
| +--VectorSort
+--IncludeExcludeIntRanges (SetComparison, ProvideSetComparisonInfo)
+--IncludeExcludeWildcards (ProvideSetComparisonInfo, SetComparison)
+--IntRanges (Cloneable, SetComparison)
| |
| +--UnsignedIntRanges
+--MultiComparison (Comparison)
+--Queue (java.util.Enumeration, Cloneable)
+--StringComparison (Comparison)
+--SystemVersionManager (Runnable)
+--TaskManager (Runnable)
+--WildcardExpression (java.io.FilenameFilter, Cloneable, SetComparison)