Native methods that are synchronized don't automatically lock\unlock the object. As a result, you must do any necessary synchronization on the native side.
- ObjectMonitorEnter takes an object monitor
- ObjectMonitorExit leaves an object monitor
- ObjectMonitorNotify is analogous to Object.notify()
- ObjectMonitorNotifyAll is analogous to Object.notifyAll()
For example, a typical synchronized method will look like the following:
long cdecl Some_Java_SynchronizedMethod(struct HSomeJava *phThisUnsafe)
// Normal GC protection stuff.
HSomeJava *phThisSafe;
GCFrame gcf;
GCFramePush(&gcf, &phThisSafe, sizeof(phThisSafe));
phThisSafe = phThisUnsafe;
// Code here executes synchronized on this object.