This topic presents a Bakus-Nauer like description of the TNEF stream syntax. In this description, nonterminal elements that have a further definition are in italics. Constants and literal items are in bold. Sequences of elements are listed in order on a single line. For example, the Stream item consists of the constant TNEF_SIGNATURE, followed by a Key, followed by an Object. When an item has more than one possible implementation, the alternatives are listed on consecutive lines. For example, an Object can consist of a Message_Seq, a Message_Seq followed by an Attach_Seq, or just an Attach_Seq.
TNEF enabled transports generate this value before using the TNEF implementation to generate a TNEF stream.
Attribute-ID is one of the TNEF attribute identifiers, such as attSubject. Attribute-length is the length in bytes of the attribute data. Attribute-data is the data associated with the attribute.
Renddata is the data associated with the RENDDATA structure containing the rendering information for the corresponding attachment. The RENDDATA structure is defined in the TNEF.H header file.
Attribute-ID, attribute-length, and attribute-data have the same meanings as for the Msg_Attribute item.