Opening an Address Book Container
After opening the MAPI integrated address book, open one or more address book containers to access the recipients within them.
To open the top-level container of the address book, call IAddrBook::OpenEntry with a NULL entry identifier.
Address book containers can be implemented with read-only or read/write access. Read-only containers are used only for browsing. Read/write containers can be modified, allowing clients to create new entries and delete and modify existing entries. All personal address book (PAB) containers are implemented as read/write containers.
To open any lower level container, call OpenEntry and specify the entry identifier of the container to be opened.
To open the container designated as the PAB
Call IAddrBook::GetPAB to retrieve the PAB's entry identifier.
Pass this entry identifier to IAddrBook::OpenEntry.
To open a container that is not the PAB
Call IAddrBook::OpenEntry with a NULL entry identifier to open the address book's root container.
Call the root container's IMAPIContainer::GetHierarchyTable method to retrieve its hierarchy table — a list of all of the top-level containers in the address book.
If the container to be opened is of a specific type:
Create an SPropertyRestriction structure with PR_DISPLAY_TYPE for the property tag, the container's type for the property value, and RELOP_EQ for the relation. PR_DISPLAY_TYPE can be set to many values, among them:
· DT_GLOBAL to limit the hierarchy table to containers that belong in the global address list. |
· DT_LOCAL to limit the table to containers belonging to a local address book. |
· DT_MODIFIABLE to limit the table to containers that can be modified. |
Create an SPropTagArray structure that includes PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, and any other columns of interest.
Call HrQueryAllRows, passing your property restriction and property tag array. HrQueryAllRows will return zero or more rows, one row for every container that belongs to the specified type. Be prepared to handle the return of any number of rows.
Call IAddrBook::OpenEntry with the entry identifier from the PR_ENTRYID column of the row that represents the container of interest.
If the container to be opened belongs to a specific address book provider:
Create an SPropertyRestriction structure with PR_AB_PROVIDERS for the property tag, a provider-specific value for the property value, and RELOP_EQ for the relation. Typically the provider-specific value is a globally unique identifier or GUID. You will find this value published in one of the address book provider's header files.
Create an SPropTagArray structure that includes PR_ENTRYID, PR_AB_PROVIDER, and any other columns of interest.
Call HrQueryAllRows, passing your property restriction and property tag array. HrQueryAllRows will return zero rows if the specified address book provider is not in the profile. It can return one or more rows for the provider's top-level containers, depending on how the provider is organized.
Call IAddrBook::OpenEntry with the entry identifier from the PR_ENTRYID column of the row that represents the container of interest. If the container that you are interested in is not a top-level container, find the top-level container and traverse the hierarchy.