Supporting Formatted Text: Message Store Responsibilities

Message store providers use the PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK property to publish whether or not they can handle Rich Text Format (RTF) and, if they are RTF-aware, whether they store the formatted text in a compressed or uncompressed format. Message store providers indicate that they are RTF-aware by setting the STORE_RTF_OK bit and that they store the formatted text in an uncompressed form by setting the STORE_UNCOMPRESSED_RTF bit.

While it is important for an RTF-aware client to check for the STORE_RTF_OK bit to determine whether or not a message store supports RTF, it is not necessary for a client to be concerned with the format of an RTF-aware store's formatted text.

All message stores must support non-RTF-aware clients. A non-RTF-aware message store must delete the PR_RTF_IN_SYNC property during a call to the message's IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method if a client has changed PR_BODY without updating either PR_RTF_IN_SYNC or PR_RTF_COMPRESSED. Deleting PR_RTF_IN_SYNC causes the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property to be recomputed from the PR_BODY property the next time an RTF-aware client calls RTFSync.

Most RTF-aware message stores are not given the message text by clients; it must be computed on request. Because this computation is time consuming and expensive, clients should use PR_RTF_COMPRESSED whenever possible. To compute the PR_BODY property, the message store provider must uncompress the contents of the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property and remove the rich text formatting. Clients that do not support the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property require this computation to take place for every message.

When copying messages, message store providers that do not use the IMAPISupport::DoCopyProps or IMAPISupport::DoCopyTo methods run the risk of creating a message with no content if their implementation excludes the PR_BODY property and relies on PR_RTF_COMPRESSED. It is possible for the data in the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property to be corrupt. Before excluding either of these message content properties in the copy operation, check for corruption as follows:

  1. If the value of PR_RTF_COMPRESSED is not larger than the compressed RTF, the property is corrupt.
  2. If the magic value in the RTF header is not dwMagicCompressedRTF or dwMagicUncompressedRTF, the property is corrupt.

Message store providers using the support methods need not be concerned with implementing a check for PR_RTF_COMPRESSED corruption; MAPI ensures that the appropriate properties exist and are valid.

There are three different levels of RTF support that message store providers can implement; MAPI recommends that RTF-aware message store providers implement their support at the middle or highest level. All RTF-aware message store providers take care of generating PR_BODY from the data included in PR_RTF_COMPRESSED on outgoing messages and make a call to RTFSync to synchronize text and formatting on incoming messages.

The differences between these three levels are described in the following table.

Level of support Description
Low Message store provider calls RTFSync whenever changes are saved to a message and extracts the data for the PR_BODY property from PR_RTF_COMPRESSED rather than requiring clients to set it. Both PR_BODY and PR_RTF_COMPRESSED are stored.
Middle Message store provider stores only the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property, computing PR_BODY when necessary.
High Message store provider stores neither PR_BODY or the auxilliary RTF properties. RTFSync is called when the message text has changed and the formatting remains unchanged or when a new message is downloaded by a transport provider.