Choosing a Message Class

As described in Message Classes, message classes are an important concept for establishing the relationship between types of custom messages, and by extension, between form servers themselves. Fortunately, choosing a message class string is fairly simple. The message class string of a message class is an arbitrary string, but should follow these conventions:

The message class string should be put in the [Description] section of the form configuration file, in the MessageClass entry, like this:


Once you have chosen an appropriate message class string, you should generate a class identifier for it. Class identifiers are generated with the UUIDGEN.EXE utility that is included with the Platform SDK. The class identifier must be put in the form configuration file's CLSID entry, along with the MessageClass entry, like this:


Your class identifier will almost certainly be different, of course. For details, see Creating a Form Configuration File.

When the form is installed on a user's computer, your installation process — whether it is a setup program or something else — must make a registry entry in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ section of the registry for the class identifier. This entry must be set to the message class string. For example, you would create a registry entry like this for the example class identifier above:


For details, see Installing a Form into a Library.