
The PpropFindProp function searches for a specified property in a property set.

Note This function may not be supported in future versions of MAPI.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIUTIL.H
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications and service providers

  LPSPropValue rgprop,   
  ULONG cprop,           
  ULONG ulPropTag        


[in] Array of SPropValue structures that define the properties to be searched.
[in] Count of properties in the property set indicated by the rgprop parameter.
[in] Property tag for the property to search for in the property set indicated by the rgprop parameter.


If the given property tag indicates a property of type PT_UNSPECIFIED, the PpropFindProp function finds a match only for the property identifier within the tag. Otherwise, it finds a match for the entire property tag, including the property type, and returns the property so identified.

PpropFindProp returns an SPropValue structure defining the property that matches the input property tag, and NULL if there is no match.

See Also

Properties Functions