
The EnableIdleRoutine function enables or disables a FNIDLE – based idle routine.

Note This function may not be supported in future versions of MAPI.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIUTIL.H
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications and service providers

VOID EnableIdleRoutine(
  FTG ftg,      
  BOOL fEnable  


[in] Function tag that identifies the idle routine to be enabled or disabled.
[in] Contains TRUE if the idle engine should enable the idle routine, or FALSE if it should disable it.


The following functions deal with the MAPI idle engine and with idle routines based on the FNIDLE function prototype:

Idle routine function Usage
ChangeIdleRoutine Changes the characteristics of a registered idle routine.
DeregisterIdleRoutine Removes a registered idle routine from the MAPI system.
EnableIdleRoutine Disables or re-enables a registered idle routine without removing it from the MAPI system.
FtgRegisterIdleRoutine Adds an idle routine to the MAPI system, with or without enabling it.
MAPIDeInitIdle Shuts down the MAPI idle engine for the calling application.
MAPIInitIdle Initializes the MAPI idle engine for the calling application.

ChangeIdleRoutine, DeregisterIdleRoutine, and EnableIdleRoutine take as an input parameter the function tag returned by FtgRegisterIdleRoutine.

When all foreground tasks for the platform become idle, the MAPI idle engine calls the highest priority idle routine that is ready to execute. There is no guarantee of calling order among idle routines of the same priority.

See Also

Idle Routine Functions