data extension
See Common Messaging Calls data extension.
(Double-Byte Character Set) A mapping of a collection of characters to a set of values each of which can be either one or two bytes. Commonly used for encoding languages requiring more than 256 characters, such as Japanese Kanji. See also Unicode.
default profile
Configuration information about a session's set of message services, with which a client application logs on if no other such configuration information is specified. See also message service, profile, session.
delegate access
The ability of one messaging user to send or receive messages on behalf of another user and to access that other user's message store. The messaging users in a delegation are commonly human users, but either the delegator or the delegate could be a software application.
Deleted Items folder
A folder within the interpersonal message (IPM) subtree that is designated to hold messages marked for deletion. Also referred to as the wastebasket. See also IPM subtree.
delivery report
(DR) A report message sent to a message sender that indicates the message has been delivered to a particular recipient. A delivery report can be generated by the MAPI spooler, a message transfer agent, or a transport provider. The recipient may or may not have read the message.
dialog box
A window displayed in the user interface (UI) to solicit input from the user. It contains one or more controls. A dialog box and its controls are governed by a display table.
disk instance
A temporary file that contains executable files for a form if those executable files are not yet resident on the user's local disk. A disk instance is created any time a form is loaded from a form library.
display name
A character string that represents a MAPI object in the user interface (UI). Service providers assign display names to their objects by setting each object's PR_DISPLAY_NAME property.
display table
A MAPI table object that describes the layout of a dialog box. Each row in the table represents a control in the dialog box. Each column in the table holds data about one property of the control, such as its location, size, or type. A display table is used to display details of a messaging user, a distribution list, or a container. It can also be used to display and edit configuration parameters for a service provider.
distribution list
A MAPI object that identifies a grouping of message recipients. A distribution list can contain individual messaging users and other distribution lists. Distribution lists implement the IDistList : IMAPIContainer interface. See also messaging user, recipient.
See messaging domain.
dynamic table
A table that changes as the underlying data changes. Attachment tables and message store tables are examples of dynamic tables. See also static table.