name resolution
The process of associating a string with a valid address for a particular messaging system. An unresolved name lacks an entry identifier. The names of all recipients for a message must be resolved before the message can be sent. See also recipient, resolved recipient, unresolved recipient.
name space
The set of all possible named property names within a property set. The GUID that is part of each property's name is unique to each property set and guarantees that no property names from different name spaces can be the same.
named property
A user-defined property whose principal designation is by a unique name rather than by a property identifier. Because of name-identifier mapping, a named property is valid in any messaging domain and any session. Every named property belongs to a property set, each member of which uses the same GUID for the first part of its name. For more information, see Named Properties.
name-identifier mapping
A bidirectional, persistent one-to-one mapping between the name and the property identifier of a named property. Name-identifier mapping is provided by certain implementations of the IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames and IMAPIProp::GetNamesFromIDs methods. For more information, see Supporting Named Properties.
See nondelivery report.
no-scribble state
A condition in which a form's storage object is available only for read access; write access is prohibited. A form is placed in the no-scribble state during a save operation to enable the operation to finish uninterrupted. See also uninitialized state, normal state, hands-off state. For more information, see Form States.
non-IPM message
(non-interpersonal message) A message that is meant to be sent or received by an application rather than by a human user, such as a notification from a workgroup scheduling application or an IPC message. See also interpersonal message.
nondelivery report
(NDR) A report message sent to a message sender that indicates the message could not be delivered to a particular recipient. A nondelivery report can be generated by the MAPI spooler, a message transfer agent, or a transport provider. Many situations can cause nondelivery reports to be generated, such as an inaccurate recipient address, unavailable transport providers, or an inoperative network.
nonread notification
(NRN) See nonread report.
nonread report
(NRN) A report message from a message store provider to a message sender that indicates the message was not read by a particular recipient, that is, the client application did not display the message contents to the recipient before the recipient deleted the message or before a specified expiration time.
nontransmittable property
A property that is not sent along with the message it is associated with. Nontransmittable properties are typically those that apply only in the sending environment, such as PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT, or only in the receiving environment, such as PR_HASATTACH. See also transmittable property.
normal state
A condition in which a form's storage object is available for both read and write access. A form is typically in the normal state unless a save or close operation is in process. See also uninitialized state, no-scribble state, hands-off state. For more information, see Form States.
A communication advising a MAPI object of the occurrence of an event in another MAPI object. The notification is asynchronous to the event, that is, it is communicated at an indeterminate time following the event, and the object generating the event does not wait for any response to the notification. The object receiving the notification is referred to as the advise sink. Advise sinks register for notification of specific events in an object, such as critical errors, by calling that object's Advise method. See also registration.