See personal address book.
personal address book
(PAB) A modifiable MAPI address book container that holds recipient entries either created by the user or copied from other address book containers. Each session can optionally designate a container to act as the PAB. Personal address book objects are commonly contained in files with the .PAB filename extension.
personal folders
A personal message store as seen through the user interface (UI).
personal form library
A form library that supplies forms to a particular client application. Forms installed in a personal form library reside in a hidden folder of the default message store and are available only to the creating client application. See also application form library, folder form library.
personal message store
(PST) A MAPI message store object that is created by a user and is stored in a file with the .PST filename extension.
The action of storing a message in a publicly known location such as a public folder. A message is posted for the purpose of making a single copy widely available for reading by human users or processing by an application.
See message preprocessor.
primary identity
An object, commonly an address book entry, that represents the user of a MAPI session. The primary identity is supplied by a service provider and exposed in the properties PR_IDENTITY_ENTRYID, PR_IDENTITY_SEARCH_KEY, and PR_IDENTITY_DISPLAY.
An X.400 messaging term indicating a message that has a specific message class identifier but no content. A probe is used by X.400 message senders to determine whether a message of a particular message class can be sent to a particular recipient, and if so, how.
Configuration information about the set of message services for a session. Profiles are created from information stored in the MAPI configuration file, MAPISVC.INF. A profile can be modified by MAPI, a service provider, or a MAPI configuration interface. See also message service.
profile name
A text string that identifies a particular profile.
profile provider
A MAPI service provider object that manages one or more profile sections. Profile providers implement the IProfSect : IMAPIProp interface. See also profile.
profile section
A MAPI object providing access to the configuration information of a service provider or message service. A profile section can contain information provided or used by MAPI, a message service, a service provider, or a client application.
profile table
A MAPI table object that provides access to the name of every profile on a particular computer.
A data attribute of a MAPI object that implements the IMAPIProp : IUnknown interface. Such an object exposes its defined properties to other objects that call IMAPIProp. The same property can be defined on more than one type of MAPI object. The information that designates a MAPI property is contained in its property tag. The property's actual data contents are held in its property value. See also named property. For more information, see Properties.
property identifier
A unique 16-bit integer value that identifies a particular property. The property identifier is contained in the high-order 16 bits of the property tag. See also named property. For more information, see About Property Identifiers.
property page
One section or page of a property sheet, accessed by selecting one of the property sheet tabs.
property set
A group of named properties specified by a GUID. Each named property in the set has the GUID as part of its name, so the GUID identifies a name space. A property set can be user-defined, in which case there is no restriction on the individual property names. In a MAPI-defined name space such as PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS, names must be selected that do not conflict with existing names. For more information, see Property Names and Property Sets.
property sheet
A common dialog box that is used to display configuration information to the user and to enable the user to modify that information. A property sheet contains a collection of one or more property pages.
property tag
A 32-bit unsigned integer value that contains the unique identifier and type of a property. The high-order 16 bits contain the property identifier, and the low-order 16 bits contain the property type. See also named property, property value. For more information, see About Property Tags.
property type
A 16-bit integer value that describes the data type for a property and whether it can contain a single value or multiple values. The property type is contained in the low-order 16 bits of the property tag. For more information, see About Property Types.
property value
The current data contents of a property. A property value can consist of a single item of data or multiple items of data. See also multivalued property, single-valued property, property tag. For more information, see SPropValue.
See service provider.
provider table
A MAPI table object that provides access to information about every currently loaded service provider.
proxy address
A non-native e-mail address for a recipient, that is, an address meaningful outside of the recipient's messaging domain, such as an Internet or fax address.
See personal message store.
public folder
One of a set of folders made available by a message store and visible to every messaging user that logs on to that message store.