read flag
A flag setting, MSGFLAG_READ, that is used in the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property of a message to mark it as having been read. The read flag can be set in a variety of situations, including opening, printing, and copying of the message. The read flag being set does not necessarily indicate that the message has been physically read by a human user or acted upon by an application.
read notification
(RN) See read report.
read receipt
See read report.
read report
(RN) A report message from a message store provider to a message sender that indicates the read flag has been set for the message by a particular recipient. A read report can be sent in a variety of situations; its being sent does not guarantee the intended recipient has physically read the message.
receive folder
A MAPI folder object that is designated as the destination for any incoming message belonging to a particular message class. Typically, the receive folder is the Inbox in the interpersonal message (IPM) subtree. See also IPM subtree.
An address book entry and a destination for a particular message.

As an address book entry, a recipient is one of the objects held in an address book container, providing e-mail addressing information for a messaging user or a distribution list.

As a destination for a particular message, a recipient is a user or group of users designated to receive that message. It can be a messaging user, distribution list, or one-off address.

recipient list
A collection of recipients associated with a message. A recipient list can contain zero or more recipients of any type, in any combination, and in any order.
recipient table
A MAPI table object that provides access to information about the recipient list of a message. Each row in the table contains information about one recipient.
record key
A binary value that can be directly compared with other record keys to help find references to a MAPI object. An object's record key is stored in its PR_RECORD_KEY property. See also search key, entry identifier.
A request on the part of a client application or MAPI to receive notifications about a specific type of event. See also notification.
registry provider
See form library provider.
A message sent to a recipient providing the status of a message that recipient had originated and sent. A report can be generated by a service provider, a messaging system component, or the MAPI subsystem. See also delivery report, nondelivery report, read report, nonread report.
See form resolution, name resolution.
resolved recipient
A messaging user or distribution list that has been assigned an entry identifier and an address for a particular messaging system. See also name resolution, unresolved recipient.
A set of criteria imposed against a table to filter the rows of the table, limiting a user's view of the table's data to only those rows that meet the criteria. For more information, see About Restrictions.
root folder
The MAPI folder object that appears at the top of a message store's folder hierarchy. Only one root folder can exist in a message store. Root folders are invisible to the user because of their inability to be moved, copied, renamed, or deleted. Like most folders, a root folder can contain messages and other folders. See also IPM subtree.
A specification of an automated response to a particular event. Rules are commonly used to route incoming e-mail; such a rule could, for example, store an incoming message meeting certain conditions in a specified folder. A rule can be implemented by a notification callback function or a messaging hook provider. It can be applied to personal folders and to a public folder.