IMAPIFormAdviseSink : IUnknown

The IMAPIFormAdviseSink interface is implemented by form servers to receive notifications from form viewers.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIFORM.H
Exposed by: Form advise sink objects
Implemented by: Form servers
Called by: Form viewers
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIFormAdviseSink

Vtable Order

OnChange Indicates that a change has occurred in the status of the form viewer.
OnActivateNext Indicates whether of not the form can handle the message class of the next message to display.


Form servers use a form advise sink object to implement IMAPIFormAdviseSink rather than including it with their form object. Therefore, form viewers should expect a call to a form's QueryInterface method to obtain a pointer to this interface to fail.

Form servers call a viewer's IMAPIViewContext::SetAdviseSink method to register for notifications. A pointer to their IMAPIFormAdviseSink implementation is included as a parameter.