The IMAPIFormInfo interface gives client applications access to useful properties particular to form definition. By keeping form information in a separate object, the form library provider can describe a form to a client without activating the form.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIFORM.H
Exposed by: Form information objects
Implemented by: Form library providers
Called by: Client applications
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIFormInfo
Transaction model: Nontransacted

Vtable Order

CalcFormPropSet Returns a pointer to the complete set of properties used by a form.
CalcVerbSet Returns a pointer to the complete set of verbs used by a form.
MakeIconFromBinary Builds an icon from an icon property of a form.
SaveForm Saves a description of a particular form in a configuration file.
OpenFormContainer Returns a pointer to the form container in which a particular form is installed.


Unlike most interfaces defined in the MAPIFORM.H header file, IMAPIFormInfo inherits from the IMAPIProp interface, as it exports most form information through calls to the IMAPIProp::GetProps method.