
The IMAPIMessageSite::DeleteMessage method deletes the current message.

Quick Info

See IMAPIMessageSite : IUnknown.

HRESULT DeleteMessage(
  LPCRECT prcPosRect                


[in] Pointer to a view context object.
[in] Pointer to a RECT structure containing the current form's window size and position. The next form displayed also uses this window rectangle.

Return Values

The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.
The operation is not supported by this message site.


A form object calls the IMAPIMessageSite::DeleteMessage method to delete the message the form is currently displaying.

Notes to Callers

Following the return of DeleteMessage, form objects must check for a new message and then dismiss themselves if none exists. To determine whether the message DeleteMessage acted on is deleted or moved to a Deleted Items folder, a form object can call the IMAPIMessageSite::GetSiteStatus method and check if the DELETE_IS_MOVE flag was returned.

Notes to Implementers

If a form viewer's implementation of DeleteMessage moves to the next message after deleting a message, it should call the IMAPIViewContext::ActivateNext method passing the VCDIR_DELETE flag prior to performing the actual deletion. If a form viewer's implementation of DeleteMessage moves the deleted message, for example to a Deleted Items folder, it must save changes to the message if the message has been modified.

A typical implementation of DeleteMessage:

  1. If moving the message, calls the IPersistMessage::Save method passing NULL for its pMessage parameter and TRUE for its fSameAsLoad parameter.
  2. Calls the IMAPIViewContext::ActivateNext method passing the VCDIR_DELETE flag in its ulDir parameter.
  3. If the ActivateNext call fails, it returns. If ActivateNext returns S_FALSE, it calls the IPersistMessage::HandsOffMessage method.
  4. Deletes or moves the message.

To obtain the RECT structure used by a form's window, call the Windows GetWindowRect function.

For a list of interfaces related to form servers, see MAPI Form Interfaces.

See Also

IMAPIMessageSite::GetSiteStatus, IMAPIViewContext::ActivateNext, IPersistMessage::HandsOffMessage, IPersistMessage::Save