IMAPITable : IUnknown

The IMAPITable interface is used to provide a read-only view of a table. IMAPITable is used by clients and service providers to manipulate the way a table appears.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIDEFS.H
Exposed by: Table objects
Implemented by: Service providers and MAPI
Called by: Client applications, service providers
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPITable
Pointer type: LPMAPITABLE

Vtable Order

GetLastError Returns a MAPIERROR structure containing information about the previous error on the table.
Advise Registers to receive notification of specified events affecting the table.
Unadvise Cancels the sending of notifications previously set up with a call to the IMAPITable::Advise method.
GetStatus Returns the table's status and type.
SetColumns Defines the particular properties and order of properties to appear as columns in the table.
QueryColumns Returns a list of columns for the table.
GetRowCount Returns the total number of rows in the table.
SeekRow Moves the cursor to a specific position in the table.
SeekRowApprox Moves the cursor to an approximate fractional position in the table.
QueryPosition Retrieves the current table row position of the cursor, based on a fractional value.
FindRow Finds the next row in a table that matches specific search criteria.
Restrict Applies a filter to a table, reducing the row set to only those rows matching the specified criteria.
CreateBookmark Marks the table's current position.
FreeBookmark Releases the memory associated with a bookmark.
SortTable Orders the rows of the table based on sort criteria.
QuerySortOrder Retrieves the current sort order for a table.
QueryRows Returns one or more rows from a table, beginning at the current cursor position.
Abort Stops any asynchronous operations currently in progress for the table.
ExpandRow Expands a collapsed table category, adding the leaf rows belonging to the category to the table view.
CollapseRow Collapses an expanded table category, removing the leaf rows belonging to the category from the table view.
WaitForCompletion Suspends processing until one or more asynchronous operations in progress on the table have completed.
GetCollapseState Returns the data necessary to rebuild the current collapsed or expanded state of a categorized table.
SetCollapseState Rebuilds the current expanded or collapsed state of a categorized table using data that was saved by a prior call to the IMAPITable::GetCollapseState method.