
The IMAPITable::GetCollapseState method returns the data necessary to rebuild the current collapsed or expanded state of a categorized table.

Quick Info

See IMAPITable : IUnknown.

HRESULT GetCollapseState(
  ULONG ulFlags,                  
  ULONG cbInstanceKey,            
  LPBYTE lpbInstanceKey,          
  ULONG FAR * lpcbCollapseState,   
  LPBYTE FAR * lppbCollapseState  


Reserved; must be zero.
[in] Count of bytes in the instance key pointed to by the lpbInstanceKey parameter.
[in] Pointer to the PR_INSTANCE_KEY property of the row at which the current collapsed or expanded state should be rebuilt. The lpbInstanceKey parameter cannot be NULL.
[out] Pointer to the count of structures pointed to by the lppbCollapseState parameter.
[out] Pointer to a pointer to structures containing data describing the current table view.

Return Values

The state for the categorized table was successfully saved.
Another operation is in progress that prevents the operation from starting. Either the operation in progress should be allowed to complete or it should be stopped.
The table does not support categorization and expanded and collapsed views.


The IMAPITable::GetCollapseState method works with the IMAPITable::SetCollapseState method to change the user's view of a categorized table. GetCollapseState saves the data necessary for SetCollapseState to use to rebuild the appropriate views of the categories of a categorized table. Service providers determine the data to be saved. However, most service providers implementing GetCollapseState save:

For more information about categorized tables, see Sorting and Categorization.

Notes to Implementers

Store the entire current state of all nodes of a table in the lppbCollapseState parameter.

Notes to Callers

Always call GetCollapseState before calling SetCollapseState.

See Also
