IMSLogon : IUnknown

The IMSLogon interface is used to access resources in a message store logon object.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPISPI.H
Exposed by: Message store logon objects
Implemented by: Message store providers
Called by: MAPI
Interface identifier: IID_IMSLogon
Pointer type: LPMSLOGON

Vtable Order

GetLastError Returns a MAPIERROR structure containing information about the last error that occurred for the message store object.
Logoff Logs off a message store provider.
OpenEntry Opens a folder or message object and returns a pointer to the object to provide further access.
CompareEntryIDs Compares two entry identifiers to determine if they refer to the same object.
Advise Registers a message store provider for notifications about changes within the message store.
Unadvise Removes an object's registration for notification of message store changes previously established with a call to the IMSLogon::Advise method.
OpenStatusEntry Opens a status object.


The message store logon object is the part of an open message store provider that is called directly by MAPI. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the message store logon object called by MAPI and the message store object called by client applications; you can think of the logon and store objects as one object exposing two interfaces. The two objects are created together and freed together.