IPersistMessage : IUnknown

The IPersistMessage interface is used by form viewers to handle the storage of a form and to transition between the various states.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIFORM.H
Exposed by: Persist message objects
Implemented by: Form objects
Called by: Form viewers
Interface identifier: IID_IPersistMessage

Vtable Order

GetLastError Returns a MAPIERROR structure containing information about the previous error in the form object.
GetClassID Returns an identifier representing the form server that can manage the form.
IsDirty Checks the form for changes made since the last save.
InitNew Initializes a new message.
Load Loads the form for a specified message.
Save Saves a revised form back to the message from which it was loaded or created.
SaveCompleted Notifies the form that a save operation has been completed.
HandsOffMessage Causes the form to release its current message.


All forms are required to implement the IPersistMessage interface.

IPersistMessage works similarly to the OLE IPersistStorage interface; for more information on the IPersistStorage methods, and on working with storage objects in general, see the OLE Programmer's Reference.