ISpoolerHook : IUnknown

The ISpoolerHook interface enables a messaging hook provider to process messages before they go to their destination. This processing can include modifying the message, changing the list of recipients, saving a copy of the message elsewhere, and so on.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIHOOK.H
Exposed by: Messaging hook provider objects
Implemented by: Messaging hook providers
Called by: MAPI spooler
Interface identifier: IID_ISpoolerHook

Vtable Order

InboundMsgHook Called by the MAPI spooler. The method can perform arbitrary processing on an inbound message and can change the message's delivery point from the Inbox to another folder..
OutboundMsgHook Called by the MAPI spooler to process outgoing messages. This processing can include archiving the message in a Sent Items folder, modifying the message, and so on.