The PR_ATTACH_NUM property contains a number that uniquely identifies the attachment within its parent message.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Attachment subobjects
Identifier: 0x0E21
Property type: PT_LONG
Property tag: 0x0E210003


Message stores generate and maintain the PR_ATTACH_NUM property. The attachment number is the secondary sort key, after the rendering position, in the attachment table.

PR_ATTACH_NUM is used to open the attachment with the IMessage::OpenAttach method. Within a client application's session, the PR_ATTACH_NUM property of a message attachment remains constant as long as the attachment table is open.

The message store propagates changes to the table using the IMessage::CreateAttach and IMessage::DeleteAttach methods. At its option the message store can generate table notifications on open attachment tables so that clients can resynchronize to those changes.

See Also

Attachment Properties