The PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN property contains binary attachment data typically accessed through the OLE IStream interface.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Attachment subobjects
Identifier: 0x3701
Property type: PT_BINARY
Property tag: 0x37010102
Corresponding X.400 attribute: IM_EXTERNAL_DATA or IM_BILATERAL_DATA


The PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN property holds the attachment when the value of the PR_ATTACH_METHOD property is ATTACH_BY_VALUE, which is the usual attachment method and the only one required to be supported. PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN also holds an OLE 1.0 OLESTREAM attachment when the value of PR_ATTACH_METHOD is ATTACH_OLE.

OLESTREAM attachments can be copied into a file by calling the OLE IStream::CopyTo method. The OLE encoding type can be determined from the PR_ATTACH_TAG property.

For an OLE document file attachment, the message store provider must respond to an IMAPIProp::OpenProperty call on PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ and may optionally respond to a call on PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN. Note that PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN and PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ share the same property identifier and thus are two renditions of the same property.

For a storage object, such as a compound file in OLE 2.0 docfile format, some service providers allow it to be opened with the MAPI IStreamDocfile interface for improved performance. A provider supporting IStreamDocfile must expose it on PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ and may optionally expose it on PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN.

For more information on OLE interfaces and formats, see the OLE Programmer's Reference.

See Also

Attachment Properties