The PR_BODY_CRC property contains a circular redundancy check (CRC) value on the message text.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Message objects
Identifier: 0x0E1C
Property type: PT_LONG
Property tag: 0x0E1C0003


The message store can use any CRC algorithm that generates a PT_LONG value. It must compute PR_BODY_CRC as part of the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method when the PR_BODY property has been set for the first time and whenever it has been subsequently modified.

A client application uses PR_BODY_CRC to aid in comparing message text strings contained in PR_BODY properties or their variants. Using this property, the client can quickly and easily detect when the message text has changed. It can realize significant performance gains by using PR_BODY_CRC instead of obtaining PR_BODY from the message store and comparing it with a local version.

See Also

Message Text Properties