The PR_BODY property contains the message text.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Message objects
Identifier: 0x1000
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x1000001E (0x1000001F for Unicode)
Corresponding X.400 attribute: IM_BODY and IM_TEXT


The PR_BODY property is typically used only in an interpersonal message (IPM).

Message stores that support Rich Text Format (RTF) ignore any changes to white space in the message text. When PR_BODY is stored for the first time, the message store also generates and stores the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property, the RTF version of the message text. If the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method is subsequently called and PR_BODY has been modified, the message store calls the RTFSync function to ensure synchronization with the RTF version. If only white space has been changed, the properties are left unchanged. This preserves any nontrivial RTF formatting when the message travels through non-RTF-aware clients and messaging systems.

The value for PR_BODY must be expressed in the code page of the operating system that MAPI is running on.

See Also

Message Text Properties, PR_RTF_IN_SYNC