The PR_STATUS_CODE property contains a bitmask of flags indicating the current status of a session resource. All service providers set status codes as does MAPI to report on the status of the subsystem, the MAPI spooler, and the integrated address book.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Status objects
Must be a column in: Status tables
Identifier: 0x3E04
Property type: PT_LONG
Property tag: 0x3E040003


The status code must appear in the MAPISVC.INF file for all providers.

Status objects are implemented by MAPI and by all service providers. There are two sets of valid values for status codes, one set for all status objects and another set for transport providers only. All status objects can set PR_STATUS_CODE to the following values:

Indicates that the resource is operational.
Indicates that the resource is experiencing a problem. For service providers, STATUS_FAILURE indicates that the provider might soon be shut down to end the current session.
Indicates that only local data or services are available.

Transport providers can also set their status objects' PR_STATUS_CODE properties to the following values:

Indicates that the transport provider is receiving an inbound message.
Indicates that the transport provider is able to receive inbound messages.
Indicates that the transport provider is downloading messages from the inbound queue.
Indicates that the transport provider is receiving an outbound message.
Indicates that the transport provider is able to handle outbound messages.
Indicates that the transport provider is uploading messages from its outbound queue.
Indicates that the transport provider supports remote access.

See Also

Provider Properties, PR_STATUS_STRING