The PR_PROFILE_NAME property contains the name of the profile.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Profile section objects
Identifier: 0x3D12
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x3D12001E (0x3D12001F for Unicode)


The PR_PROFILE_NAME property is computed by service providers. A provider's implementation of the ServiceEntry function can use the PR_PROFILE_NAME property to discover the profile name.

Client applications can use PR_PROFILE_NAME as a convenient alternative to obtaining the profile name by examining the PR_DISPLAY_NAME property in the MAPI subsystem's status table row.

PR_PROFILE_NAME may not be unique across time, for example where a profile is deleted and later recreated with the same name. MAPI furnishes a totally unique PR_SEARCH_KEY property in a hard-coded profile section called MUID_PROFILE_INSTANCE.