The SRestriction structure describes a filter for limiting the view of a table to particular rows.
Header file: | MAPIDEFS.H |
typedef struct _SRestriction
SComparePropsRestriction resCompareProps;
SAndRestriction resAnd;
SOrRestriction resOr;
SNotRestriction resNot;
SContentRestriction resContent;
SPropertyRestriction resProperty;
SBitMaskRestriction resBitMask;
SSizeRestriction resSize;
SExistRestriction resExist;
SSubRestriction resSub;
SCommentRestriction resComment;
} res;
} SRestriction;
Restriction type | Restriction structure |
RES_AND | SAndRestriction |
RES_BITMASK | SBitMaskRestriction |
RES_COMMENT | SCommentRestriction |
RES_COMPAREPROPS | SComparePropsRestriction |
RES_CONTENT | SContentRestriction |
RES_EXIST | SExistRestriction |
RES_NOT | SNotRestriction |
RES_OR | SOrRestriction |
RES_PROPERTY | SPropertyRestriction |
RES_SIZE | SSizeRestriction |
Clients use an SRestriction structure to limit the number and type of rows in their view of a table and to search for specific messages in a folder. To impose the limitation on a table, clients call either IMAPITable::Restrict or IMAPITable::FindRow. To impose the limitation on a folder, clients call the folder's IMAPIContainer::SetSearchCriteria method.
For information about using restrictions with tables, see About Restrictions. For information about using restrictions with folders, see Search-Results Folders.
Restriction Structures, SAndRestriction, SBitMaskRestriction, SCommentRestriction, SComparePropsRestriction, SContentRestriction, SExistRestriction, SNotRestriction, SOrRestriction, SPropertyRestriction, SSizeRestriction, SSubRestriction, IMAPIContainer::SetSearchCriteria, IMAPITable::FindRow, IMAPITable::Restrict