
The SBitMaskRestriction structure describes a bitmask restriction, which is used to perform a bitwise AND operation and test the result.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIDEFS.H

typedef struct _SBitMaskRestriction 
     ULONG relBMR; 
     PT_LONG ulPropTag; 
     ULONG ulMask; 
} SBitMaskRestriction; 


Relational operator describing how the mask specified in the ulMask member should be applied to the property tag. Possible values are:
Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in the ulMask member with the property represented by the ulPropTag member and test for being equal to zero.
Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in the ulMask member with the property represented by the ulPropTag member and test for being not equal to zero.
Property tag of the property to which the bitmask is applied.
Bitmask to apply to the property identified by ulPropTag.


The SBitMaskRestriction structure performs a bitwise AND operation using the bitmask described in the ulMask member and the value of the property described by the ulPropTag member. If the result is zero, then BMR_EQZ is satisfied. If it's nonzero — that is, if the property value has at least one of the same bits set as ulMask — then BMR_NEZ is satisfied.

For more information on the SBitMaskRestriction structure and restrictions in general, see About Restrictions.

See Also

Restriction Structures, SRestriction