Displaying Configuration Property Sheets with Transport Providers

Transport providers use the IMAPISupport::DoConfigPropSheet method to implement configuration property sheets. When calling DoConfigPropSheet, the transport provider passes in a pointer to an array of properties along with information about how to display them. MAPI then presents the properties to the user by means of a standard dialog box. You are strongly encouraged to use this property sheet mechanism when implementing your transport provider due to the benefit to the user of a consistent interface.

Transport providers can use the BuildDisplayTable function to simplify construction of a display table for use with DoConfigPropSheet. Transport providers targeted at the Win32 platform only can also use the property sheet API directly. To buffer changes to the properties, transport providers can use the CreateIProp function. This simplifies the handling of cancellations by the user while the user modifies the values stored in the properties. If necessary, a transport provider can also provide a wizard dialog box to simplify configuration tasks for the user.