[ decode [ , interface-attribute-list] ] interface interface-name
[ decode [ , op-attribute-list] ] proc-name
typedef [decode [ , type-attribute-list] ] type-name
The decode attribute specifies that a procedure or a type needs de-serialization support. This attribute causes the MIDL compiler to generate code that an application can use to retrieve serialized data from a buffer. The encode attribute provides serialization support, generating the code to serialize data into a buffer.
Use the encode and decode attributes in an ACF to generate serialization code for procedures or types defined in the IDL file of an interface. When used as an interface attribute, decode applies to all types and procedures defined in the IDL file. When used as a type attribute, decode applies only to the specified type. When used as an operational attribute, decode applies only to that procedure.
For more information about using this serialization support, see Encoding Services and encode.