[callback [ , function-attr-list] ] type-specifier [ptr-declarator] function-name(
[ [parameter-attribute-list] ] type-specifier [declarator]
, ...
[callback] HRESULT DisplayString([in, string] char * p1);
The callback attribute declares a static callback function that exists on the client side of the distributed application. Callback functions provide a way for the server to execute code on the client.
The callback function is useful when the server must obtain information from the client. If server applications were supported on Windows 3.x, the server could make a call to a remote procedure on the Windows 3.x server to obtain the needed information. The callback function accomplishes the same purpose and lets the server query the client for information in the context of the original call.
Callbacks are special cases of remote calls that execute as part of a single thread. A callback is issued in the context of a remote call. Any remote procedure defined as part of the same interface as the static callback function can call the callback function.
Only the connection-oriented and local protocol sequences support the callback attribute. If an RPC interface uses a connectionless (datagram) protocol sequence, calls to procedures with the callback attribute will fail.
Handles cannot be used as parameters in callback functions. Because callbacks always execute in the context of a call, the binding handle used by the client to make the call to the server is also used as the binding handle from the server to the client.
Callbacks can nest to any depth.