
[attribute-list]coclass classname {[attributes2] [interface | dispinterface] interfacename {. . . };

The uuid attribute is required on a coclass. This is the same uuid that is registered as a CLSID in the system registration database. The helpstring, helpcontext, licensed, version, control, hidden, and appobject attributes are accepted, but not required, before a coclass definition.
Name by which the common object is known in the type library.
Optional attributes for the interface or dispinterface. The source, default, and restricted attributes are accepted on an interface or dispinterface within a coclass.
Either an interface declared with the interface keyword, or a dispinterface declared with the dispinterface keyword.


[uuid(. . .), version(1.0), helpstring("A class"), helpcontext(2481), appobject] coclass myapp 
    [source] interface IMydocfuncs : IUnknown; 
    dispinterface DMydocfuncs; 
[uuid(. . .)] 
coclass foo 
    [restricted] interface bar; 
    interface baz; 


The coclass statement provides a listing of the supported interfaces for a component object.

The Microsoft® Component Object Model defines a class as an implementation that allows QueryInterface between a set of interfaces.

See Also

ODL File Syntax, ODL File Example, Generating a Type Library With MIDL, TYPEFLAGS