The NodeTypes Registry Key

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

As noted elsewhere, the snap-in's nodetype is identified by a GUID that describes the node's overall type such as whether it's a user, a machine, a domain entry in a DNS database, or something else. The following example shows a sample entry for the NodeTypes key, and the subkey entries associated with extensions that may be required beneath it.

Incidentally, do not use these GUIDs for your own applications. They are examples only.



= REG_SZ "Log object"




= REG_SZ "Alert SnapIn"


= REG_SZ "Viewer Snap-In"



= REG_SZ "Alert Snap-In"


= REG_SZ "Viewer Snap-In"



= REG_SZ "Alert Snap-In"


= REG_SZ "Crystal Report"



= REG_SZ "Alert Snap-In"

If a snap-in is designed only to extend another snap-in, it must also register itself under the particular NodeTypes subkey that it extends and must indicate the type of extension it has. Following are explanations of subkey uses:

List the CLSIDs of snap-ins that can extend the namespace of this nodetype.
List the CLSIDs of snap-ins that can extend the context menu of items put up by this nodetype.
List the CLSIDs of snap-ins that can extend the toolbar of items put up by this nodetype.
List the CLSIDs of snap-ins that can extend the property sheet of items displayed by this nodetype.

For general information about the registry, see Installing Applications and related sections of the Microsoft Platform SDK.