[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The Microsoft Management Console exposes and makes use of COM interfaces, you need to be familiar with the specific interfaces you will be using and implementing. The following introductory list categorizes the interfaces according to the implementor and are given in the same order as shown on the first page of the mmc.idl header file. For details on these interfaces, see the accompanying reference pages.
The node manager is the COM in-process server that contains the MMC interfaces, methods, functions, and so on that the console implements and that can snap-ins use. The following interfaces are implemented by the Node Manager in MMC :
The following interfaces are implemented by the snap-in:
Depending on the features you want, you may not need to use or implement all of these interfaces in your particular snap-in. Other sections of this overview refer to these interfaces and their methods frequently so familiarizing yourself with them now may be helpful.