[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Every instance of a snap-in that exists in the scope pane is unique and IConsole's methods preserve that uniqueness. You use SetHeader and SetToolbar to associate the IHeaderCtrl and IToolbar interfaces with the snap-in's instance of IConsole and to provide column headers and toolbars associated with the result view pane. You can use QueryResultView to get a pointer to an IUnknown interface to the result pane control only if your view is a custom OCX. This is the way to get the pointer to the IDispatch interface, which is documented in the Platform SDK.
QueryScopeImageList and QueryResultImageList allow you to get interface pointers to the console-provided image lists for their respective panes. QueryConsoleVerb allows the snap-in to incorporate the functionality of standard verbs like cut, copy, and paste, while SelectScopeItem is used to select a particular scope pane item. UpdateAllViews generates a notification to update one or more views because the content has changed. You can obtain a handle to the main frame window by using GetMainWindow. The remaining IConsole method is MessageBox, which the snap in uses to provide feedback information.