The SnapIns Registry Key

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Only snap-ins that extend the namespace should be registered here, which also means any snap-in that can be inserted by using the snap-in manager. The following example shows the SnapIns key entry and the subkeys that might be required beneath it.

Incidentally, do not use these GUIDs for your own applications. They are examples only.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MMC\Snapins {04ebc1e6-a16c-11d0-a799-00c04fd8d565}

NameString = REG_SZ "Snap-In Name"

About = REG_SZ "{128ac4e6-a16c-11d0-a799-00c04fd8d565}"










Some of the subkeys under the SnapIns key are optional and may not be necessary for your application. Following are definitions of the subkeys shown above:

The name of the snap-in.
CLSID of the object that will be created using the CoCreateInstance COM function to get the interface pointer to ISnapInAbout.
Enumerate all the node type GUIDs that may be displayed by this snap-in.
[Optional] Add the StandAlone key only if the snap-in can appear by itself under the Console Root. If this key is not present, the snap-in is assumed to be a namespace extension snap-in.

Also note that a stand-alone snap-in can also be an extension snap-in (that is, it can extend some other snap-in.

[Optional] Enumerate the CLSIDs of extension snap-ins that are required for this snap-in to function.