
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns a data object that can be used to retrieve the context information for the specified cookie.

HRESULT QueryDataObject(
  long cookie,             // Unique identifier
  DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type,  // Type of data object
  LPDATAOBJECT * ppDataObject  // Pointer to data object address


[in] Specifies the unique identifier for which the data object is required.
[in] Specifies the data object as one of the following:
Value Meaning
CCT_SCOPE = 0x8000 Data object for the scope pane.
CCT_RESULT = 0x8001 Data object for the result pane.
CCT_SNAPIN_MANAGER = 0x8002 Data object for the snap-in manager context.
CCT_UNITIALIZED = 0xFFFF Data object has an invalid type.

These constants are members of the DATA_OBJECT_TYPES enumeration.

[out] Pointer to the address of the returned data object.

Return Values

The notification was successfully sent.
An unexpected error occurred.


You can pass these data objects to the same snap-in or to extension snap-ins that require them. Some of the MMC interfaces that may use this data object are IComponent, IComponentData, IContextMenuProvider, IExtendContextMenu, IPropertySheetProvider, and IExtendPropertySheet.

See Also

IComponent, IComponentData, IConsole, IDataObject