
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Provides an entry point to the console. At this point, the snap-in should set up the toolbar. If the snap-in uses the default list view it should also set up the list view's headers and add images to be used in the result pane.

HRESULT Initialize(
  LPCONSOLE lpConsole,  // pointer to IConsole's IUnknown


[in] Pointer to the IConsole interface's IUnknown interface. This interface pointer can be used to call QueryInterface for IConsole.

Return Values

Successfully initialized.
An unexpected error occurred.
One or more parameters is NULL.


IComponent::Initialize is called when a snap-in is being created and has items to enumerate in the result pane. The pointer to IConsole that is passed in is used to make QueryInterface calls to the console for interfaces such as IResultData.

See Also

IComponent, IComponent::Destroy, IDataObject, IConsole