
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Collects the pages from the primary snap-in.

HRESULT AddPrimaryPages(
  LPUNKNOWN lpUnknown, // Pointer to an IComponent or IComponentData
  BOOL bCreateHandle,  // Specifies a handle to a notification
  HWND hNotifyWindow,  // Specifies the main HWND
  BOOL bScopePane      // TRUE for scope pane, FALSE for result pane


Pointer to the IUnknown interface of either an IComponent or IComponentData. This value can be NULL.
Specifies a console-provided handle to a notification that is used to route the notification message to the appropriate IComponent or IComponentData interface during calls to MMCPropertyChangeNotify and MMCFreeNotifyHandle.

If this parameter is TRUE, the provider creates a notify handle. lpUnknown must not be NULL.

Specifies the main HWND that receives the notification of a change from the property page that called MMCPropertyChangeNotify. This value can be NULL.
Set to TRUE if the item is in the scope pane. Set to FALSE if it is in the result pane.

Return Values

The property page was successfully created.


If a snap-in uses the provider directly, you can call IPropertySheetCallback::AddPage to add the primary pages and call AddPrimaryPages (NULL, FALSE, NULL, [TRUE or FALSE]) so the provider will add these pages to the property sheet.

The snap-in might not add any pages during this method call. If this is the case, extension pages should not be added.

See Also

IDataObject, IPropertySheetProvider