[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Creates a property sheet frame.
HRESULT CreatePropertySheet(
LPCWSTR title, // Pointer to the property page title
boolean type, // Specifies property sheet or wizard
long cookie, // Identifies the managed object's sheet
LPDATAOBJECT pIDataObject // Pointer to a data object
DWORD dwOptions, // Not currently used
Option | Meaning |
MMC_PSO_NOAPPLYNOW | Remove Apply Now button. |
MMC_PSO_HASHELP | Add a Help button. |
MMC_PSO_NEWWIZARDTYPE | Use Wizard 97 style. |
This method creates an object that collects all the information needed to create the property sheet. If the CreatePropertySheet call is successful and subsequent errors occur, you must call IPropertySheetProvider::Show(-1, 0) to free objects.
IDataObject, IPropertySheetProvider, IPropertySheetProvider::Show